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Mashiro: nightmare
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SilentDrake: fantastic, its always great to see more moira
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forest13: fantastic, its always great to see more coach
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Dakushna: @forest13: your parents will be devastated when they'll find out
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Valwin80: stop the bestiality
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xstrike: Nice animation, love that girl
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Snowman4001: NOICE!!!!!
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AryanTEARS: You guys do realize that the more you bitch about these, the more they will make... right? Good on them, I enjoy watching you squirm in frustration.
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Floodgates: @AryanTEARS: well now we know who the dumb commissioner for all this shit is, right?
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Hino: @Floodgates: They're the trolls and you are the trolled feeding them. People get off to this shit because they think it's wrong, taboo and disgusting and ironically enough, it's everyone who shits on them for it that gets them off even harder. They *need* the disapproval don't you get it ? It's pretty pathetic, but so is most of the stuff on here.

It's a degradation thing. Fucking a black man is the lowest thing a white woman can do. And if it is a loli, like the girl from the Last of us, it is the jackpot for them, a little, innocent white girl utterly degraded by a disgusting black man like Coach, this is why animators keep using him.
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Monkeyman79: @Hino: that's fucked up
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AryanTEARS: @Hino: What's more pathetic. People with an inferiority complex so large that images of fictional black men fucking fictional white women triggers them so hard. Or the people who make sport of their fragile minds?
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3d-hentai: 2 black fat guys well that 2 mush 4 her