
user image

Simple Posting Rules 

Anyone can upload even anon users, but before you click this button user image make sure this box user image has at least one tag that's not including the tag me tag that's not a tag.

No child porn if you post post child porn on this board I will report your IP address to the FBI 3D cartoon loli is fine but they cannot be real its detrimental to our board.

Simple Tagging Guidelines

You can post anyone's artwork until we say otherwise try and put the artist name in the tags we don't like to steal we like to promote.

This is a rule34 Imageboard that's means your post has to include some type of character or series, and it can be from anything even an original character but they have to have a name. Tag an original character with the artist next to it like so Name_(Artist) don't want tags to get mixed up.

Accepted File Extensions