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histrider: ellowas always top tier
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Anonymous1: They all want nothing but the best - BBC.
Sorry white boys, you're getting bred out. It's evolution. Pathetic losers.
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Anonymous2: Same retarded dude starting shit on a porn site again. Masturbation is no longer safe.
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Anonymous3: @Anonymous1 How fucking gay are you? theres a top notch babe in your face and your focusing on the guys dick.
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rule34anon: I find it much easier to fap to pov animations if the skin color of the male is similar to mine, but ellowas is such a fucking god that it doesn't even matter. Dat detail. Dem facial expressions. Muh dick.
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I_Fap_to_Mercy: Ellowas you fucking legend
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Mundus: song name? I am serious.
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Anonymous4: ellowas is god tier
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Violater: GODLIKE as usual
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gl00myki11er: Lucio isn't black anyway he is Brazilian.
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Anonymous5: @gl00myki11er: There are many black Brazilians.

Thats like saying "People from Jamaica are not black, theyre Jamaican!" Theres a difference between nationality and ethnicity. Brazil was a spanish colony. Its a mix of white, black and natives.
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: Wait, no. It was a portuguese colony...Eh, same fucking thing.
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jimbo910: Hey bud, wouldn't hurt to make a white version, would it?
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Anonymous7: Holy shit. Ellowas is the best ♥w♥
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Anonymous8: @jimbo910: Lucio is black, so no. That would be dumb.
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I_Fap_to_Mercy: @Mundus: Lucio's Rejuvenescência. Either you don't play the game or you've never played Lucio. Either way, kudos.
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jimbo910: @Anonymous8 make it the white haired faggot then
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I_Fap_to_Mercy: I like how easy it is to tell who has never played the game before
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Anonymous9: a faggot wouldn't be fucking D.Va. checkmate
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Anonymous10: @jimbo910: So you want Ellowas to spend even more time animating this with soldier? Youre an even dumber faggot.
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thesnuggler: absolute masterpiece
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jimbo910: @Anonymous10 I appreciate it when animators make multiple versions of their content, it pleases more people and doesn't take much work.
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Anonymous11: @jimbo910: Ok i get that. But that doesnt work when the animation uses ACTUAL characters instead of random anonymous males. Why the hell do i even have to explain that?
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jimbo910: @Anonymous I get that the model structure isn't the same, just asking it to be partially redone. You won't consider me reasonable no matter what, so fuck it.
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Anonymous12: @jimbo910: Because it ISNT reasonable at all. "partially redone"? As in completely redo the male animations? Thats unreasonable. Let alone the render times. I would be surprised if this took 100+ hours to render.

Yes, youre completely unreasonable.
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Anonymous13: Fuck this world :( A monkey fucking cute white girl.

White people invent things, black people are trash.
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Anonymous14: Fuck this world :( A monkey fucking cute white girl.

White people invent things, black people are trash.

Yuri Gagarin white male, was the first human to journey into outer space.

Fuck you SJW trash!
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: Lmao you dumb redneck, is asian not white.

Appreciate the animation
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Mundus: @Anonymous: Let those retards get trigered, they are the exact oposite of SJWs but just as cancerous. You got to master the art of not giving a fuck, it'll make your life so much better.
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: You dumb ass crackhead monkey, i know that she is asian, but in this sfm videos she looks white. Foolish monkey SJW warrior...
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Anonymous17: @Mundus: It is normal to vomit, seeing monkey crackhead trash fucking cute white girl.

Fuck SJW
Praise the Yuri Gagarin
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suckit66: great animation, don't like blacks though
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Anonymous18: @jimbo910 Doesnt take much work? it takes hours to render an animation of this quality in a proper 3d software. And puts your computer out of commison during the render time.
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beaverfeaver12: A bigger penis does mean that your partner will feel a more "full feeling" but honestly as long as your penis isn't smaller then 4 inches you should have no problem totally pleasing your woman. The Kama Sutra was written to benefit both men and women, all it takes is knowledge to satisfy your girl. Not a "BBC"
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Vaako21: D.VA seems to barely notice that she is getting fucked the guy should definatly put more force into it
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Anonymous19: @Vaako21: You've been watching too much porn mate. Girls aren't constantly wearing their 'O' face and moaning at the top of their lungs.
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Vaako21: @ano19 I am not asking for an "O" face but the table should shake and the guy should pound her like no tomorrow, this here is pretty boring I couldnt fap to that
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Anonymous20: very nice effects and music
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ellowas: Sorry if this offended you guys. I've uploaded a modified version here:
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Anonymous21: @ellowas Dva looks good as a black girl aswell :) anyway thanks for doing what you do ellowas its awesome (try to ignore the shit fest its normal on this site).
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jimbo910: @ellowas thanks
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Kreamu: @ellowas: Ah, so there's the superior version! It even has superior sound effects! God bless.
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histrider: its funny, hot chick getting fucked in an amazing animation and people are more concerned about the color of a dick

we get it, you guys prefer your boyfriends to have white dicks
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Anonymous22: Pump up the volume!
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rule34anon: @ellowas: Dayuuuum! Ellowas got NO chill. Savage af.
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NightmareChild: @Vaako21: Second that, looks like she's trying not to fall asleep. The guy could put some more thrust in it as well.
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bladeofdarkness: @ellowas: At first I though it just looked weird - and then that Fart noise.
I'm still laughing XD
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alphaangel: A good animation as usual
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Anonymous23: Holy shit, this is like the most comments I've seen on an animation and it's all TROLLING.
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Anonymous24: @ellowas: LMAO good shit Ellowas.
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aryan826: @ellowas wekk played. must say. dark is hot :)
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Anonymous25: why the shit skin monkey?
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CreampieFan69: @Anonymous: Oh look, it's a retarded cuck. Go jump off a cliff cuck faggot bithc lol
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Aname: @Anonymous23: Welcome to the internet. The true face of humanity.
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Anonymous26: fuck i cant resist this music or this cute face with nice facial features
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blargmuffin: @Anonymous:

Go get em tiger, thanks for jumping on those grenades for us.
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slab: @Anonymous1 fuck off back to /pol/ faggot
i dont give 2 shits about the guy's skin color
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Anonymous27: @blargmuffin:

Dont worry about it.
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jopox: hey what is the name of the song?
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Malerion: I don't know if this was on purpose or not, but D.Va seems to moves at the beat when the music changes, like she was enjoying the music and making a little dance. And that adds another point of sexyness for me
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Dyme: @ellowas: genius
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kilikis: this needs a vr version
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Shine: I'm not sure whether to dance or fap.
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Anonymous28: @Anonymous: Tell that to all the ass clowns who always rage over a black dick.
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Anonymous29: @Shine: for me i will dance let's get this party started
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LewdBanana: >People are too bust bitching about a dick to appreciate a good animation

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Anonymous30: I heard, there are no couples in overwatch of course it's a game but still these two are very popular couples/ships. Just got to know by YouTube...
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Anonymous31: @ellowas: sorry,I know it's a bit late but can we get a Creampie version? Please? Thanks :)
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cremia: Amazing!
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cleavers: This makes me want to have sex in a japanese arcade now
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fapster010: love dva
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xstrike: I missed this gem somehow, glad I found it now
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mal_man: @Shine

LOL I was thinking the same thing. This is excellent animation though. Ellowas is awesome!

All these racist comments makes me think it's the same guy posing as different people when really he's just arguing with himself to stir up anger or trigger someone.