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duce2: excellent, thanks
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aryan826: man some great stuff today
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Anonymous1: Why another fucking dog??
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Superfluous369: @Anonymous: Because either that's what he likes and since he's the one doing, you know, the fucking work then he can do whatever he wants...or because it's a commission and he was paid to do it.

Why another useless question? Wake up, dude, this world isn't here to entertain only you.
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Anonymous2: Gonna have to agree as well, I could see if we were dealing with monstergirls, but these are fucking dogs. What next? Women fucking ants? I knew bestiality was a thing for some, but I didnt know it got so prevalent that people are literally paying that much cash.
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CGi: What's next? Cockroaches and lizards. :p
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cstrike: Maybe next time it'll be a black guy instead of a dog. I'm sure your bums won't be sore then. :^)
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sharpys: @cstrike: This must be done
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ThatgirlColdbluu91: who cares about morals when ur making money lol
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Crab_Nipples: and who cares about morals when there isn't an ethical argument to back them up? these are animations, no one is getting hurt or exploited. if you don't like the content then it isn't for you. ya'll can all take your high horse, holier-than-thou hypocrisy elsewhere.
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Anonymous3: GIVE. HER. THE. KNOT.
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MigueFake: You need to be stu*** to say If you are attracted to dogs, you have brain damage. You fap yourself thinking in Lara no the fucking dog.
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MigueFake: Ok I see the video ignore my comment.