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aryan826: good animation doe
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dj199: @aryan826: Compared to his previous stuff this is pretty lacklustre...
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Anonymous1: Are you serious dog? Monkey dirty shit fucking that white pretty human! Ohhh... fuck you dog...
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IndianStud: what waste
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benston: Ni99er garbage
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Violater: Damn this is smooth quality.
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Heyeyo: Why is she having sex with poop?
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xigva: Because it's some goooood shit, obviously. :P
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Anonymous2: why every one complaining is it because the black guy
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Anonymous3: this guys lighting is still god awful..
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Anonymous4: I hate that black subhuman
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Comrade_Usop: Where the fuck did they find a black dude in a slavic setting
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Anonymous5: I find it funny how everyone complains about the black guys in these and every maker trolls you for it. I just wish they'd put someone that is actually sexy in these. Like Link or Geralt or somebody else. Faceless, fat black guys don't make it any more sexually appealing to anyone.
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xigva: The guy used is neither faceless nor fat, though...
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Anonymous6: be better if she was fucking a human
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theEmperor: @Comrade_Usop: rigth!?

it should be Geralt, or hell, I'd even go for a monster. :D
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xstrike: Great scenes! I guess this is what happens to Ciri and Yennefer if you choose Triss as your partner.
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Snowman4001: LOL i love all the butt hurt comments all they do is help to make more like this. Kawaii keep it up next time to a gangbang with all black guys and coach too just so we can see the crybabies lose their minds LMAO!!!!
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PragueBob: @Anonymous: this!
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Anonymous7: @Snowman4001: That was a Patreon request, and there's a version with a white guy, too. It wasn't made for the amusement of retards like you :)
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Anonymous8: @xstrike: Highly unlikely, as both of them went on their own lives. Not to mention it's a pretty underwhelming scene.
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Anonymous9: Lmao the fags saying n-i-g-g-e-r rather watch beast than a human fucking
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MassErrect: @Anonymous: Grow up, racist monkey
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ineedthis: At least its not coach