hetake07: dog penises dont go flacid after ejaculation, they swell up to improve the odds getting offspring. unlike humans whos penises evolved into a shovel shape which acts as just that, to shovel competing sperm out. thats why human penises go faced instantly, so they dont shovel their own out.
Shine: @diblob: They have uncredibly shit taste, but this isn't bestiality. It's monster/furry porn. That's all they make anymore. Since humans and 'regular' bestiality is too vanilla for them. Their stupid asses think monsters and rape are the only way to be hardcore anymore.
oYlihan: It seems to sound like Bonobo or some Lo-fi I'm not familiar with. It does mean he listens to a wide range of things because such music can be quite experimental and not very popular. In Holland we listen to it to tingle our hearing senses when stoned.
You're in the wrong space, my friend.
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