actually if you masturbate to this im pretty sure you are the only faggot, I mean you see more cock than anything its covering most of her ass. I suggest you stop beating around the bush and just try gay porn
NigNogs: @Anonymous: I am a literal faggot, and that doesn't make this not garbage.
She's covered in stupid tattoos, the animation is fucky as hell with her completely destroying her hips, the clipping and the really fucking jarring sound all come together to make something terrible
Anonymous6: There is quite a bit to like and quite a bit to hate. The animation needs work, during the beginning of the video there was too much dick, but then I realized its attuned to a type of crack fucking fetish, however I feel it lasted too long given how the dick was in the way. I like the tatoos and all but it doesnt fit mei at all in my opinion and thus the whole clip would have been better without it. I feel those tattoos would be better on elizabeth from bioshock.
Anonymous8: @Anonymous: what words? are you referring to "cuck" ? it actually makes sense in this case, sense the creator worships n1gger cock and clearly has a fixation with them and watches his girlfriend get fucked by them to help him make his terrible animations
Undercity4: ..Dang lol so many people using the N word. The site itself wants to go the Political Correct route and censor it. Whatever the case may be. I dont think they should it's funny. Most people who use that word are usually dumbass Antifa idiots I bet.
actually if you masturbate to this im pretty sure you are the only faggot, I mean you see more cock than anything its covering most of her ass. I suggest you stop beating around the bush and just try gay porn
She's covered in stupid tattoos, the animation is fucky as hell with her completely destroying her hips, the clipping and the really fucking jarring sound all come together to make something terrible
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