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Uploader Rastafarian, avatar
Tags Animated Mythology SaltyIceCream Sound Succubus
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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Daneasaur: The fat fuck with a thumb for a head... Like... is that supposed to be funny? Because it isn't and the focus on his bloated corpse is god awful.
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Quest_36: One Punch dude let himself go. fantastic animation, good job
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Secone: that face gives me hope
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Harveytherabbit: Depth of field use, excellent perspective, anatomy is excellent (where it counts :D ), the secondary motion is spot on and shows good character with just enough exaggeration to make it worthwhile to be an animation, the soft shading and second hue of the shading in strategic areas to focus on the eroticism and femininity of scenes without needing to throw it on every portion of the body. Across the board, truly an excellent production, and sincerely impressive choices to reduce time investment and enhance certain scenes the way you wanted. You'll be getting money from me on patreon soon once things stabilize, definitely earned it.
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Daneasaur: Cocksuckers, the lot of you. You gonna blindly praise it when:
-The lip syncing is awful. The mouths hardly ever match the shape of the words they are saying
-the body models are inconsistent between scenes. One moment he's a fat fuck, the next he's toned and slender, ten he's back to a fat fuck. Motherfucking speed racer has more consistency than this.
-it tries too hard to be funny with some haphazard plot that no one gives a shit about and with an extremely overly obvious "reveal gag" that anyone with two braincells saw on the way.
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Harveytherabbit: @Daneasaur - Nitpicking the negatives without praising the good just proves you're not worth listening to. Being only negative about something of obvious high quality proves only that you have something to prove, not that it's an overly flawed creation.

Plus it isn't trying hard at all to be more than it is, and a subtle scenario enhances the eroticism when it's subtle unlike the blatant ridiculousness of porn. I'm sick of loops of fucking, I prefer a scene of some sort, some kind of buildup. Is it groundbreaking? Obviously not, but unlike your comment seems to imply, nobody expected or wanted a Shyamalan twist. She was going to succumb to the cock and we all knew it and wanted it. Anything more would have been unnecessary and possibly unwelcome in this context.

So yes, the praise is deserved. This took a lot of effort and quality control. It's exceptionally difficult even with reference... even with rotoscoping actually without the proper eye to maintain shape and form as well as the artist did. Flaws are to be expected, but they are few and far between.
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LightBringer: Kinda surprised nobody has said anything yet. The guy looks a lot like the "New Guy" meme from the vindictive tranny.
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yuzokun28: The guy reminds me of patrick from spongebob show but in human form lol. Nice animation btw.
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mmk: @Daneasaur: Hey dude I don't know about you but I try beating off to the woman in the porn. The appearance of the dude doesn't factor into my beating off to the woman- sorry you've got mind goblins that ruin that for you.

Also the body models are consistent the whole time. I actually don't know what the fuck you're on about- he's a fat lard the whole animation. Did the artist sleep with your sister only to never call her back or not pay you back borrowed money and that's why you're so peeved at this animation that you have to make up reasons to shit on it?
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Daneasaur: @Harveytherabbit Says the person I was talking about in the first place who didn't point out any of the obvious flaws I did and went about blindly praising it, showing that your commendation was just as invalid as you claim my statement was.

I've seen plenty of non loop animations that are leagues better than this because it doesn't pretend to have some elaborate fucking plot and doesn't pick a literally abhorrent partner for the star of the animation, or try to pad it's run time with shitty non-humor.

@mmk Well obviously you're fine with the dude, he probably looks like you.