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Uploader spike4379,
Tags 3D Sarah_Miller Spike4379 The_Last_of_Us
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Rating Unrated


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spike4379: Just a simple side-by-side of OG and remaster sarah
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Braveheart14882: The new Sarah has finally arrived!. Never thought this day would come...
I appreciate the different look, I quite like it actually.
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yuzokun28: Finally a fresh new Sarah for a change.
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Dojinshi: So that's the remaster (PS4) and the OG (PS3)? Can't wait to see her Remake model
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aryan826: ^uh no? and booo OG sarah foreva! :D
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spike4379: @Dojinshi: The one that came out like a few days ago, I probably used the wrong tag because im a fucking idiot. I think she's cute but they defo made her a bit fugly on purpose because the devs got some kinda weird shit going on, and is a total cunt.
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aryan826: @spike4379: they kept all the ugly people ugly adn made the cute ones ugly, casue they tryna cover their asses and be like yeah we totaly dont like all the amazing lewds people been making wiht our beautiful characters. lets give them a challenge
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Gethris: @spike4379: Do you publish new look someday?