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Tags 3D Animated Ashe_(Overwatch) Autodesk_Maya Overwatch Sound VG_Erotica audiodude
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Rating Unrated


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General_Bitch: Shit's kinda boring and unrealistic. A woman can't rape a man.
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Caedus: Pfft, you wanna bet on that, General_Bitch? Someone's clearly a minor, otherwise you'd know what a strap on is.
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General_Bitch: First off, no woman has the strength to physically restrain or overpower a man, period. It's just not happening. Secondly, even if by some extreme case some bodybuilder Serena Williams terminator type bitch managed to overpower a 90lb noodle of a dude. She still wouldn't be able to force a soft cock to penetrate her. Obviously a strap-on is different.
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JudyH: you're fucking retarded please shut up, this animation is fucking stunning
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General_Bitch: LOL I'm retarded?! lol found the feminist. If you seriously think a woman can overpower a man, tie him up, force his dick to get hard and ride it until he cums. Then you're fucking delusional. Go back to your safe place, Trump is getting reelected, cunt.
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aryan826: @General_Bitch: bro, the dude could have totally just volunteered himself into that position, or he could have been captured and restrained by someone else, he could be into it, he could have been forced like Viagra. there are many plausible ways this could go down... take it easy and dont get salty.
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vdszfbeg: god I wish that were me.
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34Criitic: Love it
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flyleaf: shit this is great
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owar24: Fuck! This is cinematic blizzard quality!
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NortonKoz: @General_Bitch: This is the weirdest hill to die on especially on a porn site of all places at that.
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insane77: Right, and not all rape is done through overpowering someone. Simply gaining an edge or even using drugs could bring about such a situation. Men have given stories about their experiences. More importantly, why is this brought up on a porn site?
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ASK: I won't lie, anal would have been hotter. But this was still a wild ride, all the same. ^_^
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Zangs077: I think it missed some moans coming from her. Overall, great animation!
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momonomo: Great.
The videos he makes have good camerawork and, most importantly, a solid animation to the finish!
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8s7rgsreg46gr: that barn is definitely going to burn down now, RIP
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Nikushimi: @General_Bitch: This is a porn site...but you're also a dumbass. There are things called drugs. Also, to say that women aren't stronger than must not know many women. There are many women who are stronger than men. Not all men are behemoth hulks. Not all women are dainty porcelain dolls. Get the fuck outta here. Dumbasses really wanting to die on this hill on a porn site. Lmfao.
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Wuyang: It's time to stop with the generic overwatch animations
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Woe: Too many morons are taking the bait from the kid
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syko136: @Wuyang: why? and are you gonna make them stop?
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General_Bitch: @Woe: lol QTF, plus it's easy to argue when they have support from other users. @Nikushimi: I'm going to be honest with you, a woman would never beat a man's ass unless he let her do it, or he willingly held back during a physical altercation which is the case 100% of the time.
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syko136: such narcissism.
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cremia: Niceeee ♥
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gl00myki11er: who is that hanging from the ceiling in the back?
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DickusButtus69: I'm guessing this is a pre-release without VA.
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removeccp: Animation is great but WHERE IS THE FUCKING MOANING. I CAN'T FAP FOR GOD'S SAKE.
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Waagh: Damn, some of you pussies sound like you'd throw a massive bitchfit if your gf suggested a light femdom in bed.

Assuming a real female would actually ever touch you at some point, going by some of yous' comment histories..
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BigKokujin: why are you falling for bait
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MyJohnson: guess y'all missed the body hanging in the background.
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UnderCoverFap: @MyJohnson Now that I see it, kind of makes this a whole lot darker. Realllly hope that's not a dead body. oAo;

Kind of surprised to see VG Erotica make something like this considering his style is very pleasant. Not to say it's bad, just unexpected.

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Waagh: @Incelebrity: lmao. I love how I didn't adress anyone in particular, yet you are the only one who took it so personally and had to respond in such a butthurt manner.

No need to project your retarded fantasies on me bud. If the shoe fits, it fits. :)
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Dness66627: Yall talking about how she can't overpower him. I mean, maybe in a fist fight. But isn't she like a gang leader wielding guns and all, with a huge robot side kick. I'd say she held him at gunpoint until he was tied up.
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Icekatana: I love this animation, but why is Ashe completely mute?
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reginald: She threw that lit cigarette in a barn.
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Waagh: @Incelebrity: So angry, lol. Try not to pop a vein there, big guy.

Besides, we're all here just to jack off to porn anyway. You're the one here sperging over male/female upper body strength along with that other guy. But whatever gets you off, I guess.
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syko136: @Waagh: please don't insult people with Asperger's by comparing us to that loser.
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syko136: you're also just giving them an excuse to. if they really had it, they can't help it. let's not give them that luxury, eh?
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Pedomaster: That is so frackin' hot! Sign me up for some of that. Super artwork too.
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Debthrowaway: General_Bitch, you're going to die alone, sad, and unloved. :(
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aryan826: k take it easy there :P
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haibai886: why not use some of her voice bits from the game? it's a little too quiet...
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McKraken: Great work!
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namlssl1: WOOOOO
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Desolaterbrandon: @General_Bitch: You are mental. Not only can men be over powered by women with not just physical options but drugs too. you need to be silent when you lack an understanding of the human body and all that goes on with it. Secondly a man isnt automatically better than a woman or women better than men, So i would suggest again learning all the aspects of every human body before opening your mouth and letting sewage flow out. Third and final point, Yes Rape is rape there for Rape can happen to men just as much as women. Want to know why you dont hear about men being raped as much as women? there are literally 10 women to 1 men in the world. That means its 9x likelier for women to be raped than men. So Please discontinue your lack of intelligence on a website that 1: No one cares what you think 2: Everyone will laugh at you and 3: Will make you look like a lack luster intelligence human being who forgot to go to school to try and hide said lack of intelligence. Thanks :) OH OH OH BEFORE YOU COMMENT ON ME :D I DONT CARE WHAT YOU THINK NOW :D SO BYE XD
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aryan826: woah woah woah 10 to 1? where th fk did you here that :D XD XD XD
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aryan826: feel like someone just played there im 12 and on a site i should be on card :P
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Hentiedup: Fuck me there are some delusional weirdos here. This is unrealistic? I'm not even going to go into the rape argument, which is a totally fucking moot point to begin with. How is THIS where you draw the line on realism among all the completely outlandish shit on this site? Why are you watching animated videogame characters fucking each-other and complaining about realism, holy shit.
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Hentiedup: @Hentiedup: Oops I didn't make that into a reply. Probably for the best lol
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General_Bitch: @Desolaterbrandon: First off where did I say men were better than women? Secondly there isn't 10:1 women:men in the world. The ratio is close to 50/50.
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DarkRoxasXV: lol this comment thread
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General_Bitch: @Hentiedup: It's like I said, women are not stronger than men. With the exception of a date rape drug and maybe some Viagra this scene isn't happening IRL. Hell even a brokeback mountain bitch like you could overpower Ashe easily.
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General_Bitch: @Waagh: "a real female"? What so women are Pokemon now, they don't exist huh you dumbfuck?
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romero1718: These comment sections are always so entertaining.
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soundtittydown: All of the batshit weird stuff on this site and femdom is where some of y'all draw the line? What planet are you on
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Waagh: @General_Bitch: For you? Hell, I wouldn't be suprised if they were, you inbred dipshit.
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aryan826: play nice everyone
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reigning_champ: @General_Bitch: dude youre a grown ass man sperging out over a porn animation. please just shut the fuck up
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Drakeen: @gl00myki11er: I believe that is Tracer, first outfit.
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DevilMayCry2: Lol my comment was deleted. This site is cancer
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SirFappington: @Hentiedup: This guy gets it.
I can't believe the lunacy in this comment section. I'm going to assume you're all joking and not turbo losers.
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syko136: @reigning_champ: i asked nicely.
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Darkprophecy: it happen to me and i'm a man... People who talks about man who can't be rape are just idiots. Empathy ? Well...