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Violater: Oh sweet baby jesus in all its glory O.o. favorited before favorite was a word!
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XIII: Sexy as hell. It'd be hot to even see Lightning bouncing on a futa in a tub.
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Dakushna: @XIII: not really, no, just no.
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XIII: @Dakushna: > Opinions <
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Uncle-Sam77: futa => rednecks
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Uncle-Sam77: @Dakushna: prepare to be bombmailed
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Anonymous1: I love how people can't tell the difference between
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Anonymous2: @Dakushna: What's the problem? A futanari version wouldn't ruin this one and if it would for you, then that says more about you than anyone else.

@Uncle-Sam77: Yeah, because having an irrational hatred of futanari is such an unacceptable thing around here right?

Dakushna gets bombmailed because he thinks someone suggesting alternate versions needs a no from someone who hates the subject matter and had jack shit to do with creating the content to begin with.
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XIII: I really wasn't even making a suggestion. It doesn't even need to be futa. I like the character, so the idea came to mind. If that idea would become a suggestion, then I wouldn't ask for some guy in replace of Moxxi, because not only does the mod author not use males, but swapping more than one model would be a pain in the dick, let alone replacing Gaige. I was just passing conversation. People these days.
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Monkeyman79: why futanari, why?
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metssfm: @Monkeyman79: Not all, who wander are lost. But you sir, are. This animation is only futa as much as your mother loves you. Not at all.

Sorry for being rude, but damn!
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KingJCT7: So damn HAWT!!