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Uploader Anonymous,
Tags 3D Animated Blender Kaisto Metroid Samus_Aran
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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majestic_117: Those hips dont lie o_o
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Kaisto: well at least you put my patreon as the source...
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asfd121: @Kaisto: you should be happy he uploaded your work for other to find and also took the time to add the link to it. Whats the " at least" about? you ungrateful n igger. I love supporting sfm artists on patreon but ill pass on you cunt
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Kaisto: @asfd121: Well at least you're honest.
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oosa: Fuck patreon for making any cunt think that their shit is worth a single fucking cent. What ever happened to 'artists' doing things for the passion of it. Contradicting themselves constantly.
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Kaisto: @oosa: God forbid artists try to make a living.
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Anonymous1: you ungrateful twats should be happy people even feed ur weird horse fetishes by making anything..
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hothotoverload: This site's community is such a joke XD
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Anonymous2: @oosa: they have to buy those steam games XD while using their real job money to buy food
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NigNogs: @oosa: Yeah dude fuck people for thinking their time and effort is worth anything they should do everything for free yeah dude. Totally.
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Anonymous3: wow the community is horrible. . _. Well good work Kaisto sorry I can't donate. :c
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Anonymous4: @NigNogs: yeah cuz he totally does this for a living haha XD but you're right he needs to buy those steam game XD LEL
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Anonymous5: You just fucking hypocrit, be glad some people take time to satisfy your kiddo fantasy. keep treating sfm artist like that and one day, you will have no sfmporn content. Quality porn require time, time is money.

You fuck.
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a23423sdf: @Anonymous: actually not all of them are greedy cucks like this guy XD
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Anonymous6: @a23423sdf:
Hey man, will you stop creating dump accounts ?
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raven24: And its a blender animation, which takes time to animate. How ungrateful!
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a23423sdf: @Anonymous: why? who fuck cares what he does? OH, I see, you're mad
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BlackLeopard12: This needs sound :X
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mrcookiedoee: BEST SAMUS