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aryan826: love! it! :D wonder where they got the inspiration for this....hmmmm :D
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MisterM: Nice facial animations.
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Lordmal: Debugging the lesbian bots?
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Pussy69: @aryan826: Torso sex dolls
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cremia: THIS! this should be the future xD no more 304s, only Androids like 2B or these ones ♥
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Bloobloo: Was waiting for this to show up here. I knew when it would, it would become featured. Perfection.
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bumbumbumbum: Yeah, I hate this.
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apolozx: well I need one
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GoldenCobra: All the autists losing their shit about ethical aspect is funny tho
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akumaguardian: not my proudest fap
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Creampie_Master: Kara looks annoyed that he came inside Chole instead of her. Seems like Chole won their silent competition.
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JerkMcD: The no-arms thing is kinda weird, bu the rest is rather nice. The guy has an awesome job, btw
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booser: does anyone know what happened to the pools of this website?
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thinkinghorse: I am normally turned off by "amputee" porn, but I don't mind this. This is awesome.
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Pussy69: @cremia: I mean we already have torso sex dolls they just aren't AI yet.
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LightBringer: @thinkinghorse: To be fair, it's not really "amputee" since you can just reattach the limbs right after. This is just...taking the wheels off something while you fix it so it doesn't roll away.
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Shadowskill11: In the United States these fuck nuggets would be banned immeadiatly and by people who think they are good Christians that vote against and hate everything Jesus was into... which technically should then make them want the fuck nuggets more.