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Uploader Anonymous,
Tags Animated Mega_Man Samus_Aran pockyinsfm
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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Anonymous1: Made this in like a minute because I got bored.
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Anonymous2: Anon2 thats a fat white megaman just so you know. Lol racist cant even tell who's who now.
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Anonymous3: Yesss, i was hoping the creator or someone else would make a version from behind only.
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keeperofthekingdom: Oh my god it's Bad Box Art Megaman. Please do more with him and Samus, the absurdity of this is too good to pass up
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Anonymous4: nice, just do patreon not thumblr.
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Anonymous5: sound
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Anonymous6: It's pretty funny how it's a play on the Samus/Rock shipping, It would be nice to see her fucking proper Rockman though, especially with their heights scaled so his head is the same size as hers for maximum shota. And since he's a Robot (and VERY cartoony/Anime) it wouldn't really count as 3D loli/Shota