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Uploader Anonymous,
Tags Konan Naruto Sakura_Haruno
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Wmosab: Picture had no tags. Forgot to check the history to refresh its tags. My mistake.
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selina_selina: A story or title for this pic lol : after the hokage naruto ordered the kunoichis of konoha to take konan to be interrogated by the kages, and the girls watched as the kages fucked konan over and over again, till she couldnt stand up anymore, and the girls took her from one village to another to be done again and again by the kages and konan is getting destroyed more and more. After all is done, konan returned with the girls to konoha to be welcomed by the same girls again as a beloved friend to them after the hokage made konan a citizen of konoha. and soon the girls who were responsible of taking konan to be done roughly, are now her best friends. As time passed, the beautiful and strong kunoichi that is sakura, was no longer a friend in konans eyes, now feeling have started evolving between them.