Da_Shroom_King: I feel like this shot would have been better if the camera was angled higher and looked downwards at the actresses, making them seem more submissive both physically and metaphorically.
Also, don't be lazy and pose out the male actor's arms. It's clear you left them in the default state, and you don't have to pose them perfectly, just having them in a more natural or sensible place is enough, like behind their backs would be a good way to cheat it. It'd make the shot more believable and therefore hotter.
Also, don't be lazy and pose out the male actor's arms. It's clear you left them in the default state, and you don't have to pose them perfectly, just having them in a more natural or sensible place is enough, like behind their backs would be a good way to cheat it. It'd make the shot more believable and therefore hotter.