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Anonymous1: This scene doesn't make sense.
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GetGRAYED: Should've opted for no mascara dripping, and went for a much more sadistic face, a smirk or even nefariousness. That would've made this much better.
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schoolsucks: could you make her nude
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Anonymous2: Mascara makes sense if she's crying because he left her for someone else and she's raping him.
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GetGRAYED: Except that makes it really retarded because as if anyone in their sane mind would leave Samus fuckin' Aran for anyone else. Only the biggest beta cuck in the universe could do that. An obsolete, pathetic, Onision-rip off, small-dicked, bitch-boy, cuntboy, puny little peasant, fuckboy, retard, Keemstar-wannabe fucking new Ghostbusters loving DmC reboot playing tumblr using /b/ browsing super-beta shitstain, complete and utter failure, the one who gets mad because they ask for three ice cubes and only get two in their drink piece of shit fucking Bryan Silva worshiping fucknugget. The type of cancerous faggot that takes a direct bite out of an entire Kit-Kat bar level atrocity that makes Hitler look like Jesus on LSD.

In other words, a dickless miscreant of time and space lost in the anaals of coherent, alpha male history. No one would leave Samus Aran without being utterly, gobsmackingly retarded.
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dickkicker: Just fuck my shit up