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Jonas: I just don't like this new Jaina hair/face; it makes her look like a fifty year old whore.
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Sync: I agree about the hair, really not a fan of it.
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sordos: I like how she looks like a crackwhore, not enough 3d sluts that actually look like sluts. (well other than in irl but... :^)
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rayvex: ya is she actually supposed to look older? bring blonde back
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Anonymous1: She's just supposed to have white hair due to magic shenanigans, not because she's old.
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Jonas: @Anonymous, pause it at 0:05. Look at the combination of hair and lined face. I like that she looks drugged out, but it makes her look significantly older and more haggard, not attractive.
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Anonymous2: 0:05 she's just enjoying that nelf dick, jonas.