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quwykxz: We need a clip with someone pumping her sweet ass... :)
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sokumotanaka: Another easy -1
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ti7435: @sokumotanaka: funny how you get on others for hating black guys, when you do the same for white. can someone say racist hypocrite?
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asdfasdf: @ti7435: Honestly I feel like that's the joke.
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CreampieFan69: @ti7435: Pretty sure he was mocking retarded trolls on here like Bubsy. So congratulations, you just missed the entire point of a fucking joke while making yourself look stupid in the process.
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ti7435: @CreampieFan69: doing something similarly bad on the opposite side to artists who are not Bubsy and have done nothing wrong makes him just as bad as the people he's mocking and is not the way to go about things.
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ti7435: @CreampieFan69: Not to mention the three he put his idiotic comments on are all Rasta's Images who has never commented anything against anyone, so soku is mentally a 12 year old throwing a tantrum.
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aryan826: i do love young ana
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Violater: @ti7435:

You do realize Rasta is just a neutral account that posts everyones work right? Rasta has never animated any of these LOL
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ti7435: @Violater: the idiotic comments are still only on images that he had posted
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Anonymous1: Brown dicks are gross to look at because I can't help but imagine the girl is shitting out a human shaped turd. Also the whole every male that isn't of a light complexion being human waste thing.
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PragueBob: @sokumotanaka: @CreampieFan69:
cute little trolls