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oriondeth: men source of that lara animation
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ricoaio: I can't find half of this animations on your tumblr
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flitch: You cant find them because they are unfinishied (Also mentioned at the beginn of the Trailer). This Trailer is there to show you some stuff im working on. Stuff i can finish, if i get enough support. i have many ideas, many things i would love to finish, but right now, i can only make slow progress because of my real job.
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EllieisBest: You are lord of porn! Morrigan is so sexy, i can't fucking wait to see hers finished! The others look fucking incredible too though! But Morrigan.... Ffuuuckk!
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LorgeGucas: Thanks Ellie, really appreciate that.
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TheBlueBlood: Looking foward most of these animations!
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exodius33: It's so dense, every image just has so many things going on
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NEB: all look really good