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xtraemotions: HD:

Models by:

Still working on Animation/light improvements. Feedback is appreciated.
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passdummy: Feedback appreciated you said. Alright - You're definitely getting better and showing progress. The animation itself is still a ways from being realistic or believable but as I said, you show great improvement if you look at your older work. The lighting and camera is very good I think.

Thematically it's is all merely personal opinion of course. Especially on this site. Look at Pestilence for example with his guro animations; The guro ones get terrible ratings here, yet he makes more than any other SFM author I'm aware of off his Patreon simply because he servers a big enough niche. Not following any authors past their Tumblr, so I've not checked in a while but last I saw he was earning close to 7000 USD / month from the Patreon, outclassing pretty much every mainstream author I'm aware of.
Why the wall of text? To reinforce that content is only personal opinion and of no real value. That said, plus from me for the futa and for not being boring and vanilla.
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USAgent: Lara doesn't need to be moving that much. Time it so she's reacting to Quiet's thrusts.
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Anonymous1: Hey is it just me or does it look like Lara is the Jolly Green Giant compared to Quiet? Also I feel for Lara this is what MGS5 did to the collective MGS fanbase with its lame, no good boss having mediocrity.