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Anonymous1: What I like is that you can see how Ran vaginally penetrates Blake, what I do not like is that you can not see Blake's face because he's on his back.
Anyway it is an incredible animation, upload more RWBY, I wish you could upload gangbang animations of yang or ruby among others of RWBY similar to you are in which you see the face and penetration: , /Lo que me gusta es que se puede ver como Ran penetra vaginalmente a Blake,lo que no me gusta es que no se ve el rostro de blake porque pilla de espaldas.
De todas formas es una animación increible,sube mas RWBY,ojala pudieras subir animaciones de gangbang de yang o ruby entre otras de RWBY similares a estás en las que se ve el rostro y la penetración: ,
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DevilsCry: Yeah, sorry, i couldn't manage to show both things. Blake's model doesn't have tongue bones and i suck animating kiss/lick stuff, so i gave priority to showing the penetration :3

Thanks for the references (and thanks for the spanish translation :p)
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Anonymous2: More RWBY :3
PD: the ganbang is a good idea :33
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Anonymous3: Yeahh gang bang by ruby or yang please,do more Rwby :C