Anonymous3: @Monkeyman79 Correct. As a white girl I'd much rather fuck a dog then a disgusting black boy, their a much better lay and their not phatetic assholes.
Anonymous5: @Anonymous: because they're ashamed of their pathetic micro penises. its sad that it gets to a point where they pretend to be females even. grow up people
fomoire: @Anonymous: Did you inspect their dongs to find out what size they are? Instead of making something up, just call them what they are. Retarded.
Shine: I wonder what exactly people are bitching about. Is it moreso for the fact that bestiality is gross to them or the fact that it's animal cruelty? Does it trigger them that a sexy woman is apparently raping some poor, innocent, helpess little doggy? Cuz that shit's the best part.
Anonymous9: *talks shit about bestiality* *keeps being in a post about it* You guys are seriously the most stupid community in the nsfw category. Fucking hell, you are all pathetic.
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