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6DarkRaven9: Um what?
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AnApple: What?
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Shine: It's a subliminal message trying to say kill the women who don't have dicks. Especially if they do something slutty, like raping an unconscious robot.
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cr3epx: I watched all these videos and I have to admit that I liked the whole idea but it was executed poorly. The sex scenes were good but when he tried to add the "plot" it all went confusing and unclear. I like to see some story along with porn so I encourage the author to try more.
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UnderCoverFap: Yeah....a thought of existential crisis while I fap....

...I've had weird faps, but this is something else.

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ThatgirlColdbluu91: mission failed.. we'll get it next time
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USAgent: Just keep the sex, Dom. Unless you're gonna go like Pestilence in which case I wish you the best of luck.
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Anonymous1: i'd love to have haydee cum down my throat