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Uploader JuiceSFM,
Tags 3D Beyond:_Two_Souls Blender Ellen_Page Jodie_Holmes JuiceSFM celebrity
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Rating Unrated


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edgada: holy shit
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forest13: whoa fuck
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Aname: yes! more jodie!
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Anonymous1: its look real
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slappy1: Wow
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Anonymous2: Hot damn. All I can say is it looks realistic af, and MOAR PLZ!!!
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akasection: Fucking quality!
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Carvangar: Wow, that looks pretty awesome.
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UnderCoverFap: So now we can experience what Ellen Paige would be like if she were heterosexual. <3

If there is a fully functioning SFM Model of "Jodie Holmes", I hope we get a WHOLE lot more of her. >:3

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JuiceSFM: @UnderCoverFap
yea bunch of the models just got released, hopefully more experienced blender artists make animations.
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Shine: The model looks real, I'll give it that. But goddamn ya'll faggots need to calm down. All anybody has to do is put a dick in front any chicks face and y'all be like 'omg dis shyt so hawt!'
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ricoaio: Fucking god. for a second I though it was actually Ellen Page
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oYlihan: Guys. Luxox18 released a tool on FP. It's possible now, to extract both Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls.
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dickkicker: Uncanny
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Scrubs: Holy shit, it's been 19 days already?! I haven't been dropping by this place quite as often so I missed it.

I've been waiting for that model for like forever! O_o

Ellie from TLOU on PS4 got ported so quickly, I couldn't understand why it took this one so long. I guess because people said Ellie was modeled after Ellen in the early stages until Ellen complained about it and they changed it that folks might have settled for Ellie as a poor man's Ellen just so they wouldn't get sued or something? LOL, who knows. :p
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oYlihan: Was typing a reaction but a fucking popup and ad made me have to rewrite it again. Anyway, it has nothing to do with that. People need to write tools for extraction of certain files. Naughty Dog was way easier, thus was extracted sooner. It takes great knowledge and understanding of the format to do that.