Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Video Title Uploader Rastafarian, November 25, 2017; 22:47 Tags 3D Animated Moira_(Overwatch) Source_Filmmaker StealthClobber Source Locked No Rating Unrated Comments November 26, 2017; 02:17 - Reply Senpai: Starting off nicely with Moira. November 26, 2017; 08:39 - Reply Sammy88: ewww man on man.... November 26, 2017; 09:00 - Reply Anonymous1: Someone actually November 26, 2017; 09:19 - Reply suckit66: lol, I thought it was a character from battlborn, I see now that Blizzard is embracing the SJW mindset November 26, 2017; 11:31 - Reply ilovebutts: ...what in the fuck is sjw about any of that. its a woman with short hair and a cyber-eye getting boned, could you fuck off? November 26, 2017; 13:05 - Reply Anonymous2: Guess we have a new record in Overwatch. I'll let you figure out what that means tip it was Zarya before. November 26, 2017; 18:57 - Reply aryan826: get her with the oasis skin and i will tolerate it. December 4, 2017; 09:06 - Reply WolfSniper: It’s not playing for me... Someone help. December 23, 2017; 23:14 - Reply Anonymous3: Why are people being so damn judgmental? If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to stay. And what in hell is sjw:ish about moira? Just because she's a woman with short hair? Fucking hell man.
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And what in hell is sjw:ish about moira? Just because she's a woman with short hair? Fucking hell man.