Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Video Title Uploader Rastafarian, February 24, 2018; 08:01 Tags 3D Animated Draenei Rexxcraft Troll World_of_Warcraft Source Locked No Rating Unrated Comments February 24, 2018; 17:40 - Reply hatrix: lmao he put orc tusks in POV so i can't even pretend to not be an orc in this situation. fuck orc-fetishists. February 24, 2018; 23:26 - Reply Anonymous1: its a troll not an orc tho February 25, 2018; 02:51 - Reply hatrix: whatever, it's obviously not human, which was my point. February 25, 2018; 21:43 - Reply azrin: she's not human either... February 26, 2018; 21:34 - Reply Ryi: I bet she'll pierce a boob on those tusks sooner or later. Trolls, not even once. February 28, 2018; 04:35 - Reply Anonymous2: hordeboyz always have to let everyone know about how theyre part of the horde and how great they are because of that. theyre like the apple users of mmorpgs.