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onlywaldfee: this was..... out of this world!
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Anonymous1: holy shit o_O
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Anonymous2: How many times is this going to be reposted ?
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flashy: Now with sound! Not a repost.
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Comeon: Yes! Well done with the sound KalypsoFX!
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yuzokun28: What a master piece!
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futuroxxx: Finally the best one
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dickkicker: It sure is drafty in here
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Anonymous3: Lol
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Anonymous4: 3/10, not enough hairy ass shit nuggets
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Anonymous5: this Is a repost. last time it had sound AND music.
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Anonymous6: this sound is added by KALYPSO FX, it's better than the last ver
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Anonymous7: Nani? I thought even very short animations take forever to render in blender? How long did this take then?
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Anonymous8: Love It!
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sebanet: i think the rastafarian sound version could be better without the Tekken2 BGM.. Rastafarian version have original Dva moans and cumshot sound.. thisone not.
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Zetcurri: Damn, too bad I don't like nasty-ass crotch hair. This completely pointless addition ruins an otherwise perfect animation. Think of all the man-hours wasted because some retard thought those abominations would be a good idea!

Furthermore, I think Cassie Drake should be banned from use.