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alphaangel: Nice
Can you make another animations with FFVIII girls?
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DrPavel: Listen, FF porn is great and all, but until you give me a fucking Exdeath model then you got nothing. GIVE ME THE VOID.
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Shine: ^ We got friggin Ultimecia and this faggot wants Exdeath. Not sure if srs(ly dat gay).
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brett47: Oh fuck. If this means we're going to get Edea SFM porn, I'm going to cream my panties.
...not that I wear panties.
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KingJCT7: I'm waiting for something with Terra!
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shadowcrazy: So is this from Dissidia? and if so any other models being worked on? Wish they had Garnet she was always my fave with her unique white/orange outfit.
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Anonymous1: I really wanna see a Cloud of Darkness animation
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DrPavel: Shine shut the fuck up and go jack off to Link's ass. There's nothing gay about the VOID.
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Shine: @smarty358: Better to want Link's sweet ass than ExDeath's cock, faggot.
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Anonymous2: Lmao no, Link is a twink cuck