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nexus763: not easy, probably not good, but still sharing
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Anonymous1: just like lerico, you should stop
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32434dsdf: catwomen and sounds nicee
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nexus763: @Anonymous: And become a whining little bitch like you ? No thanks.
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nexus763: @32434dsdf: I'm not satisfied with my editing, but I'm pleased some like it.
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retardus: I agree with Anon1. Seriously, stop.
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Anonymous2: Nice, keep going
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cstrike: This is fucking awful. Just stop.
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Anonymous3: Hi, keep going nexus763, improvement comes with practice. Most of these whiny fucks can only critise as they've never made anything, or are usually too embarassed/insecure to show it, anyway good luck.
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nexus763: "Most of these whiny fucks can only critise as they've never made anything"
you said it all, mate. Besides, I know this is bad. The animation was so I couldn't work around with it. Doesn't mean I'm going to hide it.
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doctormodulator: This is great, I love it.. Post everything!
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Anonymous4: ehhh its not bad