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Uploader Justausername3,
Tags 3D Blender Nadine_Ross Uncharted crototo
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Rating Unrated


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UnderCoverFap: .....ew.

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Anonymous1: Zip up you say? I'd rather pull my pants down and take a large dump on Naughty Dogs doorstep. Seriously, with each passing moment I'm increasingly starting to hate this studio.

It's because they represent the most extreme lefties. Not only that, the actual feminists. I heard Neil and his team are sjw's and actual Feminist Frequency supporters. The development team is forcing in these type of characters or have them in shitty unskipable cutscenes in which Uncharted 4's example, you inevitably get beaten up by this fugly monkey bitch. She is unbeatable even with two Drake brother's against her. Who'd fucking wanna sit through that? They are literally shoving political correctness, diversity and homosexuality down are throats.
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HentaiRobot123: I'd smash
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UnderCoverFap: @Anonymous1 Pretty much sums up cinematic gaming narratives.

Ellie being a lesbian in the first Last of Us was endearing and emotional because there weren't many humans left. That game was made before Gamer Gate. Naughty Dog post Gamer Gate I have no interest in, especially after Uncharted 4.

Luckily we have a few games this year that aren't festered with wokeness of SJW. God of War, Spiderman, and Red Dead Redemption 2. Money talks and always wins the day so vote with your wallet.
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xGimpyx: You fuckers don't have girlfriends, do you?
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atozed: Why does anyone think a porn site is the place to air out whatever preteen level whiney videogame bullshit issue they got? It's a nice pic w/e.