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Uploader Rastafarian, avatar
Tags 3D Animated Borderlands_2 Gaige Mad_Moxxi Maya Sound Source_Filmmaker nixorisfm
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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aryan826: i dont understand waht went wrong here. the still was so promising, adn even mayas motion is nice. but then shit hit the fan and was thrown eveyrwhere :P would love to see this redone casue it has alot of potential with just a tiny bit of cange needed
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aryan826: even gaige is nice. moxxi just sapsms for a bit. and my god that slaping need to go. but fix and alt angle woud be amazing
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aryan826: oh ok the moxxi spasm seem to be gone must have just been a site thing, but now just slaping and its good t go :)
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Anonymous1: Seriously, do people putting sound on animation actually listen to what they did ? That's horrible