Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar or Unifans for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Image Title Uploader Cheops, September 6, 2019; 16:48 Tags 3D Cheops Darth_Vader Jyn_Erso Source_Filmmaker Star_Wars Stormtrooper star_wars:_rogue_one Source Locked No Rating Unrated Comments September 7, 2019; 16:47 - Reply doctormodulator: wow nice! do you think we could see Jyn being broken in by Vader's interrogation methods? Perhaps a follow up to that as the Dark Lord's pet? =D September 8, 2019; 11:05 - Reply Med: Love all the star wars stuff you've been putting out. There's such a huge lack of good star wars sfm. Any chance we'll see sine animation for any of these? September 8, 2019; 16:52 - Reply Cheops: Possibly if I ever learn how to animate. Been making attempts but I've a long way to go.
do you think we could see Jyn being broken in by Vader's interrogation methods? Perhaps a follow up to that as the Dark Lord's pet? =D