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Uploader Rastafarian, avatar
Tags 3D Animated Blender Pewposterous Shani Sound The_Witcher lerico213
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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Jonas: Great animation, but that pubic hair, oof.
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Zll: Yeah the pubic hair is off-putting.
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SumptiousRobo: I think it's the so-very-'90s combo of trimmed/shaved they're complaining about? At least I hope it is.
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theEmperor: hot damn! the bush makes it 10 times hotter! nice!
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UnderCoverFap: I don't think the hair is that bad, at least it's groomed. My beef is when they make ugly/bushy pubic hair on purpose is what would always turns me off.

Rasmus-The-Owl is a great example of that.

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aryan826: very nice dont see many good shani anims nowadays. i personally would prefer without the bush but it really dosnt make it much worse like 5% less for me.
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Slut_for_BWC: YES!
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italiansausage: my only complaint is that the carpet doesn't match the drapes
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soundtittydown: Pubes are such a tiny part of this animation, it looks fine and the anim is great.
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kragen: this looks fantastic to me!
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Jonas: It looks stringy, not trimmed. It's pretty gross looking.
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FootmanJeff: Of all the things to care about.