Shine: Incelebrity: Nah dawg, his foreskin is an incidental barrier between his frenulum and her cleavage. His most stimulating point of contact would be on the apex of his thrusts when his frenulum barely touches her sternum.
Shine: @italiansausage: One of the benefits to having your own dick and the experience of using it is you learn how they work. But seeing as how you have sausage in your name, most of your experience probably cums from putting things in your mouth.
Zetcurri: @sorablack: Yeah, because having all your nerve endings intact is the same thing as wearing plastic over yoru dick lmao nice cope man, sorry your parents mutilated your genitals for no reason whatsoever, forever limiting the amount of sexual satisfaction you're ever gonna feel. Every one of you copes with this horrific betrayal in their own way.
Zetcurri: @Shine: Spoken like someone who never had the chance to feel what a functional (aka non-mutilated, intact) dick feels like. It's ok buddy, it's your parents' fault (specifically, they're retarded & immoral).
sorablack: @zetcurri YouTube Do know that the glans still has nervens and you can feel through IT? Also my Patents had a reason bcz i hat a foreskin constriction Mr Google Doctor bester lernen the anatomy u stupid fuck i feel way more with my glans than with my shaft where still is skin
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