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tmfscptkt: o.0 yummy
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MaestroShiranui: She really clean our cocks with her mouth, what a BIG SLUT !!!! delicious Tifa, she is a good horny whore
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Ruras: Oh no. Oh no no no. This CANNOT be legal. My dick's gonna sue you.
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DuhBeast: Amazing
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Nipplesthesuperhippo: Oh my god, the way her mouth moves so naturally over is impressive as fuck! Also hot.
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insane77: Very well done!
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IncestWincest: Don't even play Final Fantasy but holy fuck this is good
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afrocrumble: This shit is insane
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aryan826: oh fuck. i totally skipped this cause it was tifa. but i might have prematurely handed out the best head award to Triss. this might take the cake <3
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SirFappington: @aryan826 The fact you skip Tifa porn is egregious and offends me on a profound level.
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aryan826: ther are like 1000 of smf babes to chose form. i have all the generic wifus i need from DoA dont need no more
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Shine: You fags suck so much dick you all deserve a best head award.
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aryan826: @Shine: go to bed grumpy pants
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hasegawaeito: I'm pretty sure that's not how human spine are supposed to bend.
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mal_man: Don't hate on that gorgeous giraffe!
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cleavers: holy fuckkkk
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Slut_for_BWC: Best use of POV ever!
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ewertonmanyvids: This character from Final Fantasy VII
Remake is the newest star 2020!
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doctormodulator: Finally, someone gets cheekposing.

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mal_man: And... look who is here to join us! Welcome Shine! I seem to find you coming to see all these blowjob animations. You know, an essential component of every blowjob means there's dick involved... <gasps> What ever could that mean for you?! Surely you wouldn't click on so many of the same type of videos, over and over, because you ENJOY watching dicks get sucked, unable to suspect disbelief, unable to self-insert? Truly, I pity you.
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mal_man: suspend* disbelief
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Shine: Because I can never believe how many comments these boring as fuck videos get. The way you faggots praise and worship the cock is astonishing. Might as well take the girl out the picture since she's not even naked.
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UnderCoverFap: @Shine I love you so much Shine, bringing the much needed balance. :3c

Now if Tifa was eating out a tasty carpet instead of a dick, would that suffice? O:

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Shine: @UnderCoverFap: Thanks but I'm not gay. Profess your love to one of these fags instead and they'll probably suck yo dick for a cheeseburger.
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syko136: you heard it here, our lord and savior Shine declares blowjobs are gay!
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multigrip: Oh wow! Stunning!
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pippipapapopo: This only needs a bit more toungplay. then it would be perfect
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Shine: @pippipapapopo: You wish there was tongue play so you could get a better look at the cock, huh? The less it's in her mouth, the more of it you get to see.
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DuhBeast: Shine you are a faggot sperg. It's pov. Made to look like YOUR pov. Stop projecting your gay ass on to others.
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Shine: @DuhBeast: That doesn't matter, it's still nothing but a face and a dick you're looking at, fucktard. I bet you probably jerk off to yourself in the mirror too.
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UnderCoverFap: @Shine A simple beej from a lewd person just costs a cheeseburger? O:

Well I do have a crippling addiction to very effeminate males and their cute wieners. I'll be right back...

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DuhBeast: @Shine are you retarded? LOL
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DuhBeast: You would think it would be gay if all you saw was your dick in a chick's mouth? Lol not like a chick ever would touch your limp dick.
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BasementWizardX2: Best blowjob lip animation on this site?
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mal_man: The better question is, what's wrong with being gay? Shine, please answer that for me, you homophobe. You come here and bash others based on your own perception of their preferences, so you're either getting off on cyberbullying or getting off to something you profess is gay. Either way, it's really not a good look for you, bud.
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pippipapapopo: @Shine: Not because of that. Its because i know that it feels way better. But it seems you dont have any experience with that ;)
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syko136: @DuhBeast: normally i find sperg a weak insult, but it would explain most of his attitude. but please don't think we're all like that eh?