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Tags 3D Dina_(The_Last_of_Us) Ellie_Williams The_Last_of_Us_Part_II Ugaromix
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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DuhBeast: Lol so even the porn will be up It's own ass
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wesker1984: We don't need those two ugly chicks. Young Ellie or nothing.
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slappy1: Ugh, it's like I vomit from the eyes!
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clemlove: @wesker1984 I couldn't be more agree
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Shine: Y'all are just jealous because her girlfriend's nose is bigger than your dicks.
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oYlihan: @Shine:
10/10 Masterpiece *Neil Cuckmann 2020
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wesker1984: So, Shine? True or not it doesn't take away from the fact that they are ugly. I don't like Ellie's redesign and her girlfriend look too common. We are here to fap and none of the two are fapping stuff. Young Ellie look hotter.

@oYlihan: I know the game is a 10/10. I never criticize the quality of the game. I own it.
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Biggus_Dickus: A bunch of salty faggotts in the comments LMOA
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oYlihan: Ya'll wouldn't know the first thing about Naughty Dog's disgusting business practices in the last few weeks up to this point.
But I've told this over and over on Youtube and people still won't be listening. So Fuck Naughty Dog, and fuck everyone supporting it.
Enjoy your hot steaming pile of garbage and glossed turd.
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GrabMySushiRoll: Dina needs more representation in this site! Gangbanged, pussy, ass, mouth, both hands and through the nose also. Fuck the game!
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clemlove: @oYlihan same, I tried to warn these stupid people , they wouldn't listen, now they cry to naughty dog, fuck them
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wesker1984: Oh in your logic disliking some characters design make us faggotts? You should check the definition of faggott because you clearly don't know what it mean, Biggus. Ellie and her girlfriend in TLOU2 are ugly. Deal with it or don't go in the comment section if you can't accept different opinions than yours.

@GrabMySushiRoll: Can't agree more. I don't love Dina design but i love seing lesbian women fucked by men in my hentai. The LGBT community love to steal our straight characters and turning them gay in their fanfictions and fanarts on Deviantarts. Then let steal their gay characters and make them go straight in our own parody.
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clemlove: @wesker1984 I agree with everything you just said
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JuiceSFM: can't wait to shove the torah up her ass
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Silent_Hill: Fuck ND and fuck this. Worse than scat.
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JonSnow23: So many pathetic virgin incels in the comments i don't know if i should find it sad or funny .
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clemlove: @JonSnow23 the ability to talk doesn't make you intelligent
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w11w: STFU and Fap or go fap to something else.
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gorat: @oYlihan: nerd
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oYlihan: @gorat:
soy boy
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Adonisus: I finished the game last night. It was quite good. Really enjoyed it.
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beefers: hahahaha... this shit is hilarious. Bunch of crybabies.
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Baka-Doitsugo: rofl
Bunch of mentally brittle incels in the comments.
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mal_man: They're both hot.
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JimmyTheWrestler: imagine getting this ass blasted over porn. lol
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Permangali: Beautiful, a lot of laughs with this nice game and Haters out there offended by a lesbian mixed couple on a Videogame, poor hypocrites, most offended by politically incorrect topics.
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syko136: @Permangali: you clearly don't know the difference between politically correct and incorrect.