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darwinism27: what is it about impregnating lesbos that makes it hot lol
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theCircle57: @darwinism27: Well, they can't do it by themselves.
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rule34hentainet: same but with the good ellie please?
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FTLO: @darwinism27: because by doing that, you cure them of their lesbianism

there are no real lesbians. "lesbian" is just something feminists say so that they can stay lone and bitter with their 20 cats. All woman on earth desire cocks and to be used and fucked. Give me 10 good men and I can cure you any "lesbian" slut, guaranteed
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34Criitic: ^ w t f
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syko136: @FTLO: can't fix stupid.
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FTLO: @syko136: bro if I can fix lesbianism, then I can also fix stupid
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Qwerty1724: Nicely done, I think it would be have been better if she leglocked him for the creampie though.
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canneddesiree: i would actually love this if it had some other guy in it than joel, or at least if we didnt see his face/head
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otaku9095: last of us one ellie is hotter then ugly af dyke last of us part two ellie
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j-rose321: Hahaha...Fuck. I don't really do comments, but FTLO's comment 'bro if I can fix lesbianism, then I can also fix stupid ' made me laugh. Well done. I don't agree, but it was still funny.
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mucids89: Finally some good adult Ellie stuff :) Even though young Ellie but with the TLOU Part II model would also be nice.
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Pika54: WOW MORE PLEASE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yungteep: @FTLO: based
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USAgent: How their last conversation should've gone.