FanOfGoodPics: I guess Luna was not amused when she heard remarks Hermione made about newspaper her father made. She finally snapped and got revenge on her, doing to her what she was asking to all this time...
"Do not struggle and keep quiet, Hermione, you do not want to Madame Pomphrey to find out about it. She has the same fetish I have, only she used draft horse as model for her toy... You DO NOT want her punish you...
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They look so accurate- and the details! Oh just look at those feets. Best in show
btw. how to post image comments?
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"Do not struggle and keep quiet, Hermione, you do not want to Madame Pomphrey to find out about it. She has the same fetish I have, only she used draft horse as model for her toy... You DO NOT want her punish you...