
Comments made: 0, 0.0 per day
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5 Upvotes / 0 Downvotes
Class: user
User ID: 102281

About Me

Professional Hobbyist Assistant and Volunteer, Model and Photographer, Traditional and Digital Artist, Rookie-Animator (for now), Actor and Podcaster, Arcane Arts of Alchemy Researcher and User, Social Icebreaker, Extreme Multitasker

Please keep in mind at all times that due to my extremely high levels of dependability, I am always multitasking so pardon my occasional delays in response time. I can be quite openminded and nonjudgmental. I'm also quite sociable when it is safe to be.

I am a somewhat decent self-taught artist in training with a constant lack of time, occasionally the patience from health and stress-based matters, and unfortunately reliable resources to draw as regularly as I used to or wish to...not that it stops me from doing art. Until then, Requests are free until further notice and are up for consideration with the exception of an unpredictable wait time if accepted.

DETAILS ARE ADVISED. (I create what does has yet to be seen as a drafting artist and I am pretty good at it :P)