Sign up for a premium account on Subscribestar or Unifans for AD FREE VIEWING = NO POPS ON ALL DEVICES. Video Title Uploader Nathrezim_Patriarch, March 28, 2019; 20:44 Tags Alexstrasza Animated Archimonde Kil'jaeden Nathrezim_Patriarch Sarah_Kerrigan World_of_Warcraft Source Unknown Locked No Rating Unrated Comments March 28, 2019; 22:59 - Reply UnderCoverFap: Very well done! :D Seems like you put a lot into this animation. Very fluid and very smooth. Would be great if you got an audio-editor to do the SFX like Audio-Dude, I think it would compliment the animation on such a scale. Keep up the good work! c: *fapfapfap* March 29, 2019; 00:43 - Reply Anonymous1: The face for Alexstrasza from HoTS looks so weird. March 31, 2019; 08:42 - Reply mal_man: Why is Sarah Kerrigan in the tags? April 1, 2019; 20:06 - Reply editwhore: Good question, wasted my time :p April 2, 2019; 03:37 - Reply joe156: plz keep making alexstrasza animations
Seems like you put a lot into this animation. Very fluid and very smooth.
Would be great if you got an audio-editor to do the SFX like Audio-Dude, I think it would compliment the animation on such a scale.
Keep up the good work! c: