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Uploader Rastafarian, avatar
Tags 3D Animated Blender Calarel_(NYL) Darcy_(NYL) Dark_Elf Nora_(NYL) Sound nyl
Locked No
Rating Unrated


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ASK: Personally, I don't know why they didn't just take all three. They look like they could have handled it. ^_^
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Kalanti0: "Your here for me, right?" moment had me dying XD
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Pussy69: I can smell General Bitch's complaint a mile away lol hes gonna click on the video and complain its gay while he faps to this.
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UnderCoverFap: NYL's has a long distinguished futa animations and this is the next level. The VA's were fantastic and the scene/action was superb in execution. The daisy chain/fuck train was my favorite sequence! :D

The cute small talk of the characters was also a fun aside. x3

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General_Bitch: I wasn't going to comment on this shit after seeing the thumbnail earlier today. But man, Rasta made it a feature, so I'm kinda obligated to now. But man, all of the top artists are making gay porn now. It's just a fucking waste. Straight animated porn between a man and a woman where the man actually prefers pussy is such a fucking unicorn now. I give up, the fags won. That's really the only way you can enjoy disgusting shit like this; you have to be a fag. No straight man wants to see a dick on a woman. I literally have to watch the shota genre seems to be the last bastion of straight sex left in the 3D erotica space.
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GoldenCobra: Gay shit
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Tronky: <3 <3 <3
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Pussy69: @General_Bitch: "That's really the only way you can enjoy disgusting shit like this; you have to be a fag"
So are you finally admitting your gay? No offense but most of us already knew you were b/c you always click on these gay videos knowing their gay.......
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megatestchar: @General_Bitch: lmao "now"? Nyl has literally always been about dicks on women. None of his art style should be new to you.

If I were to complain about anything it's that I hate that he doesn't do OW/WoW stuff anymore and he's WAY too obsessed with Marvel/Mortal Kombat, but it is what it is.
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UstherLin: I don't quite understand the logic where a girl with a penis fucking a girl without a penis is gay, perhaps because there is none.
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Icekatana: @General_Bitch: Look, Bitch, futa isn't my preferred genre either, but you have no leg to stand on. I see you constantly commenting on videos where you say that you want to be the woman receiving dick. How the fuck can you call anything gay when you say shit like that? You're living in a glass house, with lots of other gay men.
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Anonymous1: i agree with general bitch.
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Anonymous2: there is nothing wrong with being gay, I personally don't feel anything towards futa at all. I don't want to see it, but it is getting rare to see 3d animation with straight sex though.
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vexenz: @gahna: Dude that is absolute bullshit. Straight sex is and will always be the majority of 3d animations. Just clicked the "animated" tag and out of the 63 animations on the first page (61 of them being 3D) literally all but 4 animations were straight sex. If you don't like something, fine don't click on it but lets not bullshit ourselves by pretending it's all that's made or even most for that matter.
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aryan826: yay finaly they give up :D now join us and fap to the gloriousnes that is futa :D <3
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General_Bitch: @vexenz: you're missing the entire point. There are no QUALITY animators out there anymore who make straight content. The only people left is Noname55 and while his animations are top-notch, most of his content is beastiality, horsecocks, dogs, etc... Looking back, I do miss General Butch, even though he was an autistic fuck.
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ThatgirlColdbluu91: mmmmm those dick piercings (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡
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Wuyang: This dude is a god tier animator but his models look all the same, and i'm not into manly looking futa.
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Pussy69: @General_Bitch: Then learn how to do it yourself.... Artist make things that "THEY" are interested in, they dont care what our preferences are.
General Butch did what he liked even if it meant triggering you guys with "straight" interracial porn. Best I can tell you is watch real porn then you wont have to worry about gay animation I guess.
I know right Nyl2 knows hes stuff holy shit lol
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blargmuffin: Yeah futa on futa is just gay porn with boobs. Not into it.
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aryan826: well good thing like 80-% of this vid was futa on female so you should have no problem.
you know what a gay guy would say could improve this. more men. you wana replace a futa with a man, thus increasing the number of men. seems prity similar
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UstherLin: @General_Bitch Artists either do what they're passionate about or what is profitable, if you want to have good straight animation then either make them yourself or help create a market for them, bitching about artists not fulfilling your needs, when you're not doing anything, is just you being an entitled prick.
It's how Furry porn became so large, people pay for what they want.

Also there's a lot more good artists that still do straight porn, BulgingSenpai and SelfDrillingSMS (Drills3d) are the first two that come to mind.
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General_Bitch: @Incelebrity: You're sooo straight, is that why you prefer women with dicks?
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blargmuffin: Futa on futa is gay porn, man on man is gay porn, futa on man is gay porn, man on futa is gay porn. If someone with a dick is fucked by someone else with a dick, it's gay porn. Not into it, regardless of the percentage.
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vexenz: @General_Bitch: Pewposterous, LazyProcrastinator, EXGA, VGErotica, Nagoonimation, Bulgingsempai, Redmoa, Yeero, Hdyrafxx Plenty of QUALITY animators off the top of my head who either mostly or exclusively do straight content and i'm certain i'm forgetting some. Again your argument is provably bullshit. There are plenty of quality animators that make what you claim to like yet you're compelled to click on the shit you claim not to.
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General_Bitch: @blargmuffin: FUCKING PREACH!!!!!!
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Putana96: This is not even futa. Futanari both have a dick and a pussy, which the above lack. These are just shemales with a female, so its bisexual and not truly gay. It sucks that shemales nowadays are classified as futa when they lack a pussy to go along with the dick. I wish we could separate shemales from actual futa because the category is just muddled and people can't even tell what a futa is nowadays.
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syko136: @Incelebrity: it's a bit hypocritical of you to speak of insecurity. but to be fair, you do seem to have experience being insecure.
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DuhBeast: All the usual suspects are here but Syko is still the biggest faggot of them all
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Putana96: @Incelebrity
Again, these are not futa to begin with. Shemales or newhalfs have appeared in hentai too and are not limited to IRL. Futa IRL would be hermaphrodites that have both functioning genitals but more often than not look really ugly due and leaning on the male side due to the hormonal imbalance in their bodies.

Shemales/newhalfs = Has a dick only, no pussy. Breasts are optional.
Futa = A female form with breasts that has both a functional dick and pussy. Futas with balls are called Full-Packaged Futanari.

Look up "what is the difference between shemales and futa" since there are plenty of articles and terms separating the two. Like I said, the futanari genre has been so muddled with all the shemales that even shemales are called futa nowadays, which they are not since they lack as pussy like the ones above.

Going back to the animation, if two shemales are having sex with a female then with each other its not gay. The correct term would be bisexual. If the animation only has shemales without a female participant, then yes, its gay since there is no female involved whatsoever.
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Putana96: @Incelebrity
Non-existent or not, shemales are shemales. You said it perfectly: "Its a 100% female until you staple a dick on it".

As for "We arent discussing dudes with tits", well that is exactly what shemales are, regardless if they exist or not: Dudes with tits.

If the participants don't have both set of genitals, then they are shemales regardless if they look female and have massive tits and regardless if they exist or not since shemales are not limited to IRL and have appeared in hentai. Either way, the animation is hot so to each their own.
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Putana96: @Incelebrity
"You're the one who called them shemales, not me. Which they obviously aren't. Look up the definitons of words if you wanna use them as an argument"
I did look them up and they are shemales. In order to be called futa, both genitals have to be present. If it lacks a pussy but has a penis, then its just plain shemale or newhalf.

"It just literally combines both worlds, while opting for pandering to what we like - 2 women. Whats better, 1 pair of titties and 1 man ass, or 2 pairs of voluptuous tiddies?"
I know what you mean and I do agree with you that it combines the best of both worlds while pandering to the female form, since I also prefer the female form over a male's, but shemales do not belong in the same category as futa since they lack a pussy even though I love both shemale and futa content as well as regular and even gay animations.
I apologize if I wasn't clear on that in my first post here. I just wanted to point out that artists nowadays put shemale under the same category as futa when they really should have their own category or even sub-category under gay. Either way, we all love them and they are all hot no matter which side we prefer.
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aryan826: ugh give it a rest already. go post your futa debates on reddit or somehting. was the title not clear, we jsut wana fap.
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Putana96: @aryan826
"was the title not clear, we jsut wana fap."
Sorry for that, I'll stop since that's the primary reason we're all here. We can all at least agree that Nyl's animations is one of the best there is and this one is no exception regardless of which side we are on.
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syko136: @DuhBeast: grow up.
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aryan826: much appreciated, happy fapping everyone <3
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General_Bitch: Futa, Shemale, etc... are all coping terms for insecure fags to tell themselves so they won't feel like a fag. This shit is gay as fuck. Woman with a dick, futa, shemale, IT'S FUCKING GAY! My god, if you hate the male form so bad, then KILL YOUR FUCKING SELF, so it'll be one less male around since you hate dudes so much. Otherwise, sit your faggot in the closet ass down. I swear you futa fags always love talking shit about how hetero sex is gay when in reality you're imagining your perfect woman with a dick. Because if you really wanted to see a female body, you would watch 100% lesbian porn. But you CLOSET fags just love your dicks. NECK YO FUCKING SELF.
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FireFireHot: This mfer definitely posts on 4chan. Need to search this dudes closet before some kids end up dead.
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vexenz: Yawn. You really are boringly predictable. I already pointed out plenty of high quality "straight" artists who you can spend your time on (proving your bullshit argument of them not existing to be....well bullshit) and yet here you still are. Fapping to this for like what the 15th time? and then when the post nut shame comes in you lash out in the comments. Like seriously I can't believe people like you still think no one is onto them. A porn site full of the shit you claim to want and yet you're always in the comments of the shit you claim not to. However your obvious projecting of your thoughts of suicide is worrisome. There's nothing with you enjoying just what you want.
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aryan826: shoosh
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Putana96: @Incelebrity
"Who the fuck said its either A or B"
The definition of what is a futa and what is a shemale if you look up both definitions. Look, let's just agree to disagree since as aryan826 said we are just here to fap. You can call them what you want and I'll call them what they are. Either way, we are both going to be fapping to them anyway.
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forchon: based nyl making closeted trannies seethe
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Zerogg77: Whoever like futa are trannies or faggots
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histrider: everyone arguing about gay or straight and I'm over here wishing it was lesbians
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soundtittydown: @General_Bitch: "The only way I can see straight porn is watching p3do shit"

Like not only is this incorrect but also way to tell on yourself, bro
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Shadowskill11: @Zerogg77: Seems kind of odd you specifically clicked on a thumbnail of two grey women with huge dicks in front of a naked white girl. Not being honest with yourself is some teenager shit.
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CynisterSlut: @General_Bitch: you defined live up to your name. Cuz you a straight bitch