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Anonymous1: Got nothing against using black models, but why is he so shiny, it's like he's made of leather.
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: I suppose it is meant as perspiration, sweating, from the taxing activity?
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elbatmansfm: Samples sound like 3D Sexvilla/Thrixxx. And they're too loud & in the foreground rather than having depth. Other than that, it's awesome.
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nnifj: I think eddy is either black him/her self or has an interracial fetish.
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Uncle-Sam77: @nnifj: probably a fetiscist
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Hussein: a wasted opportunity
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Qwerty1724: Once again Harley makes all the difference for me. Normally can't enjoy stuff with black models (since I'm not black) but this was good enough everywhere else.
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Vikihole: no thanks :I
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joe156: reupload please
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NigNogs: I just won't ever be able to understand making Louis this sort of character when he's a goofy weeaboo who worked a cushy office job and played videogames all day, he's not even close to the kind of stereotype he gets portrayed as in this sort of thing