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Allergy: moar collard daenerys bjs
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Violater: excellent >:)
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USAgent: Aw shit yeah
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Bubsy: Narp
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TitanSabertooth: Nice :)
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zshell: Always with the bbc this guy, shame since the animation its good

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Anonymous1: @zshell: He probably has self esteem issues like all sjw/liberals and definitely hates himself, so this a subconscious way for him to get punishment.
That's really sad, pathetic and depressing if you ask me, and by the way the "bbc" doesn't exist, it's the classic garbage that the zionist media spreads:
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XIII: whoa! i think we are getting ahead of ourselves. if interracial porn means the maker is liberal or an sjw, then that means the moon landing was fake like how the wyoming incident was a hoax and but wait. did you see that? wyoming. ming. min. pegan min. pegan min from far cry 4. pegan min wears pink. patrick star is also pink. star. stars are in space. stars are also in the moon landing. a man landed on the moon. there is also a man in this animation. patrick star is animated.

that must mean...

interracial porn = illuminati confirmed.
the moon landing was an interracial hoax conducting by the illuminati.
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: memes
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Anonymous3: @XIII: Man you must be one of those idiots who doesn't believe anything until TV start to talk about it, and on the other way around, takes every crap that comes from TV/media as gold, never questioning the "official version" because that would make you a "conspiracy theorist".
the illuminati you talk about are not the lochness monster, the bigfoot, UFOs, or those lizard-men hybrid idiots talk about.
the "bilderberg group" (what some people refer as "illuminati") is a global mafia formed by prominent people in media, banks and other, who use their power to corrupt and control world's government for their personal gain, meanwhile using the media power to indoctrinate people.
Don't you think medias can manipulate people's minds? well i bet you never saw people dressed or doing something (usually stupid) because of some fashion, right?
Also far from a conspiracy theory, these yearly Bilderberg reunions, are recently even getting covered, but not by the big medias for obvious reasons.
i am sure what i wrote is going to be useless since people like you prefer to believe a comforting lie than the uncomfortable truth, hence the saying "ignorance is bliss".
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: Faggot
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XIII: @Anonymous:

Do you feel blame? Are you mad? Uh, do you feel like wolf kabob Roth vantage? Gefrannis booj pooch boo jujube; bear-ramage. Jigiji geeji geeja geeble Google. Begep flagaggle vaggle veditch-waggle bagga?
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: meme
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: meme
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Anonymous7: @XIII: meme
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XIII: @Anonymous: meme is ememe backwards.
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Anonymous8: @XIII: Your shitposting is as annoying as the conspiratard rambling.
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XIII: @Anonymous: u wot m8
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Anonymous9: @XIII: Case in point.
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XIII: @Anonymous: ur gettin delete -_-
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Anonymous10: Typical white girl doing what white girls do best.
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Anonymous11: @XIII: meme is emem backwards, not ememe you fucktard!