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Anonymous1: Hey, where's Vanilla? #NoRacist
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Anonymous2: The guy who commissioned this is a huge beta cuck.
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sokumotanaka: @Anonymous: boo hoo now you'l have to look at the billions of laura gifs where she's sucking a white cock, what a upset...
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shadowcrazy: the sound in this is so off like wtf none of that sounds like sucking dick at all, or at least not in the same pace laura is going
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Anonymous3: The animation in this is excellent as always Secazz. Someone could call me a racist- they're probably an SJW so they're already irrational and automatically wrong- but I don't enjoy watching my dream-girl since 1994 sucking off some random black guy. She's absolutely beautiful but it's just annoying overall. Good work though.
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Violater: @Anonymous: Yea, you cleary don't know what SJW means so don't use words to big for your brain and boo hoo, deal with it. Like the guy said above, there are thousands of other lara gifs with a white dude or monsters/animals. This one is for those who like it and i do.
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Anonymous4: secaz #1
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Revan-: @Anonymous: So, you're perfectly fine with her sucking off some random black guy?
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Revan-: @Revan-: Fuck, I meant white guy.
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Uncle-Sam77: another random black stale as fuck
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USAgent: Fucking nice.
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oriondeth: Wow!!!!!
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oreosaregood: This is really fucking good
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Dakushna: another guy copensating
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Anonymous5: @Anonymous: @Violater: On one hand, there's nothing wrong with preferring your skin color to nearly match the content you're fapping over (that's perfectly logical for fantasy reasons) and an SJW would be a moron to call someone racist over that and I'm sure many of them would. On the other hand, it's stupid and selfish to complain about content that doesn't fit your subjective fantasy; it's best to just look elsewhere and let the black dudes (etc.) have their fantasy on this one...ironically SJWs would have a valid point there.

@Revan-: LOL.

@Dakushna: Yep, cop-cop-copensating!
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Anonymous6: @Anonymous: Actually, I do recall some idiots on the other R34 site calling people racists over simply posting "white version, please?" Again, that's a perfectly reasonable request and not racist at all. But again, otherwise it's best to move on. And, of course, if the 'request' is actually: "do a non-*n-word* version!", well...
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Frankenfran: @Anonymous: anyone requesting for a white male gets harrassed and called a racist, is that a normal behavior I wonder?
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Anonymous7: The whole lot of these arguments seem silly to me. Like Anon5 said, there's nothing wrong with having a preference or dislike for different colors.

Unfortunately anyone who asks for darker skin colors always gets labeled with racist slurs while anyone asking for lighter gets called an assmad racist.

It'd be so much easier if people could just admit they like something and recognize subjective tastes. I mean, you have people who will on one hand say the color shouldn't matter and then in the next breath ask for more diversity or hate on something they don't like.

If you're asking for one or the other, you obviously DO care about color, so pretending to be colorblind is just hypocrisy. Just admit what you like while letting others like what they like, there's nothing wrong with it. It's really not that hard guys.
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Anonymous8: Wait... so why are people mad? Just because the dude in the animation is black??

How come the SFM community is comprised of so many whiny morons?
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous: No idea. People whine about too much futa. People whine about not enough futa. People whine about too much black dick. People whine about not enough black dick.

Honestly, a lot of the people who make this shit are whiny fuckers to begin with. It's only natural at this point the community follow suit.
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Anonymous10: They are probably european.
After they get bombarded with multiculti propaganda and being told their country should be populated by immigrants instead of natives by their politicians it influences everything, including porn.
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Anonymous11: @Anonymous: Eh, can't say I blame them too much honestly. The utter idiocy of the idea that Europe is somehow obligated to become a multicultural utopia is understandably infuriating, especially so because the people who advocate for it shut all dissenting opinion down with cries of racism.

Multicultural societies don't work. The world barely knows how to build multi-ethnic/racial societies free of genocide and persecution without entertaining the batshit lunacy of purposefully importing immigrants with a completely different culture.
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MumboJumbo: NO
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Lustrious: Hahahaha, peeps gettin mad over 3d interracial porn! THIS IS THE BEST I'VE SEEN SO FAR, KEEP IT UP!
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Anonymous12: @Lustrious: Are you actually reading the comments or just seeing a bunch of words and assuming shit?
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Hussein: @Lustrious: can you read I wonder?
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Ankaran81: racist alert
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Dakushna: @sokumotanaka: you commissioned this one, confess, you huge cuck hipsteroid
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Anonymous13: So much pent up white angst. I love it! It's a shame that you protesting idiots are completely ineffectual in making this go away, and in stopping interracial anims from ever happening again. But by all means DO TRY. It's funny to watch.
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Anonymous14: @Dakushna: oh please don't expose the cuckolds, otherwise they will start raging calling everyone racists and blabbering about people "projecting" making a fool out of themselves.
that's how retard they are
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Anonymous15: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: I Agree, can't blame them either.@Anonymous: (*retarded) beside that, everything it's true.
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tuaraag: ahahahahaha, white tears are so delicious.
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PragueBob: @tuaraag: you have more than one father, don't you^
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shadowcrazy: Honestly arguments like this make me wish we had a more robust tag system so idiots can stop complaining and just go to the tags that support whatever they're specifically looking for.