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sokumotanaka: @ZyklonB: and why should race matter? Ya'll always get so antsy when a black cock is invovled yet there's billion of white on white immages. plus you think your so privileged that you don't want darker skinned characters yet you wont to porn every chocolate woman or asain and others in porno pfffft get off your high horse, either don't look at it and be on your way or die and never deal with it again, cause your a shitty excuse for a white guy. It embarrass me.
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Anonymous1: Why her face look Cindy from Jimmy Neutron :s
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Frankenfran: @sokumotanaka: you should chill
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Hussein: @sokumotanaka: preacher
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Anonymous2: Yeah black guy ruins it
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Anonymous3: @sokumotanaka: Firstly, your spelling, grammar and terminology are all fucking atrocious.

Secondly, the guy you're replying to is named ZyklonB. Let that sink in. Nothing you're going to say is going to matter to him.
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NigNogs: The black guy ruins it? Not the horrifying monstrosity he's fucking?
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ShitstainMcfapmop: @sokumotanaka: Pissy nig tumblrite: No soap box is too high! Get off your high horse!