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Anonymous1: Didnt expect this.
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azrin: she either dislocated her hips, or he left femur, because...wth?
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TripleZ: Liz + Miranda's hair = WIN
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kennyg6: The animation is nice, but something is really wrong with her left butt cheek.
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XIII: Elizabeth with never be a quarter of the woman Miranda is.
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aryan826: i agree with most of these. 1) didnt expect this :D
2) the fucks up with her left ass cheek/spine
3) liz face miranda everything else FUCKING AWEOSME!!!!!
4) Xlll GTFO
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Anonymous2: So, the left asscheek...
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BEARDSTR0KES: Apart from that hip, then MY GOD.. Birthday present of the decade
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bobbs4: Garrus couldn't give any less of a shit.
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Hentaicrazzed: @bobbs4: If you look closely it looks like his eyes are closed and he is passed out from drinking. Soo this may be Rape, Also wtf Garrus is only 18 years old on the cake???? FUCK MAN THIS WHOLE ANIMATION IS A LIE!
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XIII: Garrus isn't impressed. Liz is just about to shot out of the ship like the rest of the trash does.