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Uploader Rastafarian, avatar
Tags Naruto Raikage_Ay Tsunade psyclopathe
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Rating Unrated


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Monkeyman79: Jesus Christ, again
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Anonymous1: @Monkeyman79: haha white boi jealous of the big black meaty cock! :O
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USAgent: @LordReplacer: It's a popular pairing. Why get mad at it?
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Bloodsun: @USAgent: Well, I suppose I've seen even worse ships.
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Sombrero: this disgusts me
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Sombrero: @USAgent: popular where? when? how?
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hardyasdfY: THE MAN IS ASIAN

not hat it matters but at least get it right!
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USAgent: @hardyasdfY: He's clearly a black Japanese man.

@Sombrero: Tsunade getting railed by Raikage is a popular/common pairing when it comes to rule34. I see more pictures of them boning than any other character beyond Naruto himself.
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Frankenfran: @USAgent: you can thank a guy called Si-chan for this, it's a fetish of his
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Sombrero: horrific
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Vikihole: @USAgent: it's not popular, it's over-requested by one person!
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Anonymous2: @Anonymous: Faggot
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Anonymous3: true, some morons just don't get the difference
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Anonymous4: @Anonymous: yeah, sure, as if the BBC myth was real, take a look and stop being delusional, LMAO
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Anonymous5: @USAgent: probably a dark skinned, but there is not such thing as Japanese black man, you are either black or Japanese, and Japanese people are asian period. Now you can cry "dat's raiciss" all you want, but that's the truth.
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Anonymous6: @USAgent: It's not popular at all, i can guarantee to you, it's probably the same one or two black people requesting it over and over again so they can later say : "whitey are hatin' coz white wimmenz like bbc and shit" and douchebaggery like that
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Venomous_Sasuage: @Anonymous: I'll just leave that here:
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Venomous_Sasuage: @Anonymous: I'll just leave that here:
user image
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Anonymous7: @LordReplacer: well said! these people defending interracial crap are either SJW faggots or spineless, beta male cuckolds themselves
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Anonymous8: Personally i want to thank to guy who make this pairing happening. I dont care he is black or old or ugly. he have the most potential for be man of Tsunade.I dont understand why there is too many character fights in naruto hentai.
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Prussian-Pride: fuck this shitpairing
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Anonymous9: I just love it when Tsunade has interracial sex. It's so erotic