Anonymous3: @hardyasdfY: I'm not saying there's anything to do with cuckolding, I'm questioning why someone would bring up the race of the creator as if it had absolutely anything to do with whether this is cuckolding or not.
And yes, there are cuckolding arguments all the time around here, frequently with one or both sides of it not understanding what the word actually means. We're in one right now.
Nowhereman34: @hardyasdfY: The cuck is us, well i must admit i am genetically inferior so is not like I'll ever get any in real life being 5'4" whit a micro penis anyway.
Anonymous4: @Nowhereman34: Don't ell me you still believe that "Big Black Cock" myth bullshit!? Read this please
Anonymous5: apparently these SFM artists are pandering to the same one or two black people requesting it over and over again out of fear of being called "raiciss". Then, the said one or two people proceed to write idiotic crap like "whitey are mad becoz white wimmenz muh dik" and a bunch of douchebaggery like that
Revan-: @Anonymous: >taking anything on "we're edgy and cool cause we use the nword loool": the site seriously
@Anonymous: literally every single thing that has a black man in it has been requested, there was never any time where the creator just felt like using a black guy, nope, never
Anonymous7: @Revan-: "literally every single thing that has a black man in it has been requested" 99,9% of times yes "there was never any time where the creator just felt like using a black guy, nope, never" the 0,1% like some other anon said, out of fear of being called racist
Anonymous8: @Revan-: Agree with about the nature of that site, but still the BBC IS INDEED A HOAX, you should read something about the "protocol of Zion" to find out why medias are pushing for interracial, and i can guarantee that is not to fight racism or predjudice at all.
Anonymous9: So much pent up angst from dumb beta male white guys. I love it! Your laughable rage as a coping mechanism isn't going to prevent these from happening. So rage on, faggots.
And for the record, artists like LordAardvark, LeeteRR, Secazz, and Lesdias all use black dicks "for the hell of it." And have all gone on the record saying that they don't care.
Anonymous10: @Anonymous: You're bitching about pent up angst and yet you decide to necro-bump this shit from two months ago to whine about white people? This is like the people who go from thread to thread to thread pointing out butthurt everywhere as if they're not the biggest case of it.
Anonymous11: @Anonymous: It's still applicable since the same sentiment from the same loser demographic of beta white people is still expressed on this site. I guess you're one of them, since it clearly hit a nerve with you.
Anonymous12: @Anonymous: You're complaining about people espousing racism by being a racist twat yourself. Where's the logic in that? How are you any different than the assholes above?
Anonymous14: @Anonymous: You're assuming that I'm not white myself. Which makes you a moron.
I enjoy calling out the more laughable and pathetic segments of our race that keep dragging the rest of us down. It's actually a lot of fun, because they're the same type of losers that the rest of us ostracize offline, and have forced in to "feel good bunkers" like this, online. Where they're disrupted "here" and have no place left to turn, but to either the bottle, or going off on a killing spree and further tarnish the image of "loner loser white guys" even more.
Anonymous15: @Anonymous: You just laid out the white version of a classic Uncle Tom speech. I didn't assume anything as I don't care what race you are, acting like a racist bitch is acting like a racist bitch no matter whatever mental hoops you jump through to tell yourself your version is morally righteous.
Anonymous17: @Anonymous: Yeah, I forgot weeding out the weak is "being an Uncle Tom" to laughably stupid fucks like you. You're an unhinged moron and it's just hilarious to watch you rage.
Anonymous20: @Anonymous: Weeding out the weak? Holy fuck talk about delusions of grandeur.
You're making whiny anonymous comments on a porn site dedicated to fapable cartoons and sexy video game characters.
You're going to sit there and talk about how pathetic and inconsequential the racist asshats are and then seriously label your own brand of racist bullshit as "weeding out the weak?" You have absolutely no fucking self-awareness buddy.
For fuck's sake, you're taking this shit as seriously as someone can and then pretending you're not in the next breath.
Anonymous21: @Anonymous: It's like in your need to be perpetually outraged, you only read HALF of what's actually being said, so you can start snivelling like a gigantic pussy. The only one whining here is you, you baby. LOL! And as usual you were too stupid to pick up on context and missed the point being made, because you wanted to act morally superior.
Anonymous22: @Anonymous: Christ, are you capable of making a point or do you just repeat "you're stupid!" six thousand different ways to make up for the lack of one?
You're a fucking moron if you think people aren't capable of being racist to their own. You're a fucking moron if you think they're the pathetic ones while you unironically spout "weeding out the weak," as motivation behind your equally annoying posts. You're a fucking moron if you think anybody is buying this charade your trying to sell.
Anonymous23: @Anonymous: So much "pot meets kettle" in your post that I don't even know where to begin. Way to continue to be a massive whiny hypocrite, while you fail to act morally superior, by becoming unhinged.
Anonymous24: @Anonymous: Nothing I can say will ever be as unhinged as validating racism in the form of "weeding out the weak." You and the stormweenies have a lot in common.
Does someone want to get this faggot an "Insult Book for Grownups"? As well as a book on how to make a compelling argument that doesn't resort to saying "Because I said so." And it's not "validating racism" just because you say so. Sorry, try again.
Anonymous26: @Anonymous: You acted like a racist twat and then tried to excuse it as "weeding out the weak." That makes you as pathetic as a stormfront faggot. It's right up there for anyone to see.
It's that simple. If you say racist things, people are going to think you're a fucking racist. Hence you're a racist piece of shit. You jumping through mental hoops to make your racism OK doesn't make it not racism.
Anonymous27: @Anonymous: Group Introspection is racist? What sort of cowardly bullshit is this? It's aloof white assholes like you that doom us as a group. You're even worse than a Stormfront faggot, because you completely fail to be proactive. Because you passive-aggressively protect and coddle the losers that drag us down. You're a stupid shit. End of story.
And stop with the race card, moron. It doesn't work. Your both your phony outrage and moral highground are just that.
Anonymous28: @Anonymous: I second that.
playing the race card is a cheap old tactic to get people on your side even if you are wrong, and people like him act surprised when they realize that it doesn't work anymore, because people are sick and tired of this bullshit.
- Reply
Both sides of the cuckold argument never seem to stop and realize they don't know what the word means anymore.
There is no sides to the cuckhold argument, there is no cuck in this picture.
when zyklonb says cuck he probably means something racist in order to mess with people and turn them off.
(zelda and link don't have a relation ship besides friendship you know..)
And yes, there are cuckolding arguments all the time around here, frequently with one or both sides of it not understanding what the word actually means. We're in one right now.
- Reply
@Anonymous: literally every single thing that has a black man in it has been requested, there was never any time where the creator just felt like using a black guy, nope, never
And for the record, artists like LordAardvark, LeeteRR, Secazz, and Lesdias all use black dicks "for the hell of it." And have all gone on the record saying that they don't care.
The lady doth protest too much.
(your post in a nutshell)
I enjoy calling out the more laughable and pathetic segments of our race that keep dragging the rest of us down. It's actually a lot of fun, because they're the same type of losers that the rest of us ostracize offline, and have forced in to "feel good bunkers" like this, online. Where they're disrupted "here" and have no place left to turn, but to either the bottle, or going off on a killing spree and further tarnish the image of "loner loser white guys" even more.
You're making whiny anonymous comments on a porn site dedicated to fapable cartoons and sexy video game characters.
You're going to sit there and talk about how pathetic and inconsequential the racist asshats are and then seriously label your own brand of racist bullshit as "weeding out the weak?" You have absolutely no fucking self-awareness buddy.
For fuck's sake, you're taking this shit as seriously as someone can and then pretending you're not in the next breath.
You're a fucking moron if you think people aren't capable of being racist to their own. You're a fucking moron if you think they're the pathetic ones while you unironically spout "weeding out the weak," as motivation behind your equally annoying posts. You're a fucking moron if you think anybody is buying this charade your trying to sell.
Does someone want to get this faggot an "Insult Book for Grownups"? As well as a book on how to make a compelling argument that doesn't resort to saying "Because I said so." And it's not "validating racism" just because you say so. Sorry, try again.
It's that simple. If you say racist things, people are going to think you're a fucking racist. Hence you're a racist piece of shit. You jumping through mental hoops to make your racism OK doesn't make it not racism.
You and the cuck posters are the same.
And stop with the race card, moron. It doesn't work. Your both your phony outrage and moral highground are just that.
playing the race card is a cheap old tactic to get people on your side even if you are wrong, and people like him act surprised when they realize that it doesn't work anymore, because people are sick and tired of this bullshit.