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Anonymous1: what the fuck is with this cuck shit
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Anonymous2: Would have been a great animation if Link wasn't in it.
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Anonymous3: I don't care if Ganondorf fucks Zelda, that's been done plenty. But this weird shit with Link watching and snowballing? Is Link supposed to be Anthony Burch now?
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Anonymous4: Why a lot of people think Link have a small dick? they suck his dick??
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allstarsniper32: nicely done, but I'd rather have the scenario be that Midna set this up so that she could have Link.
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Anonymous5: Would have been better if link was the one getting fugged
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Anonymous6: Poor Link, this is so humiliating
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Anonymous7: Amazing animation. Secazz is one of the best.
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nongawd: This is fucking astounding. There needs to be a SFM model for a naked or half naked Link man. Also, someone needs to do more of Link taking it up the ass.
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Anonymous8: This is gayer than being the center of a gay orgy, gayer than having three dicks up your ass simultaneously, gayer than blowing a thousand dicks in a row.

Fucking hell, I'd even TAKE gay. At least if Link was getting buttfucked he'd get some attention. This non-participatory humiliation bullshit is fucking stupid and the people who make it need to swallow a cocktail of household cleaning products.
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Anonymous9: @Anonymous:

yea for real. this cuck shit needs to stop. who's comissioning this shit, swedish people?
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Anonymous10: @Anonymous: more like SJW faggots, spineless beta male liberals, and the same one, two black people just so they say: "whitey are hatin' coz white wimmenz muh dik bbc" and other retarded shit like that. seems like the usual jewish propaganda on tv, disgusting indeed!
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Anonymous11: Want to know who commissions this crap? people who feel like this:
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Anonymous12: This cuck shit is made by humiliated and defeated Swedes, SJWs and omega failures. When will we round these mentally ill fucks up and put them into concentration camps???
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Anonymous13: A lot of Swedish people are just victims of the Zionist regime, whoever speaks out is called a "nazi" (how typical) and sometime loses the Job. It's probably Zio Barbara Spectre herself commissioning this crap, since it's so close to the Jewish propaganda on Jewish TV, that "woman" is evil incarnate.
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residentlover2: the ganon x zelda amazing very nice, but come on man just put that fucking link out of the action -.-
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Revan-: these /pol/ memes are funny
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Anonymous15: What do they want with this? Tell us that the pretty boys blond with blue eyes have small cock.
Thi is Anti White racism.
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Anonymous16: @Anonymous: they are pushing this interracial crap to further their white genocide agenda, you should read the "protocol of zion" to see what i am talking about, and besides the whole "blacks have bigger cocks" bullshit is the biggest lie ever told, a lot of them even tried to delete this article due to butthurt
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3d3x: So many retarded comments. Holy shit.
btw awesome webm. good work, Secaz.
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Anonymous17: @Anonymous: I agree that all this is a part of a plan to exterminate Europe, tell to the white womans that "white boys, specially blond with blue eyes have small one" Don't worry here there is the real size of the pretty blond boys with blue eyes:
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Anonymous18: the only short thing here is the video
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Anonymous19: @Anonymous: LOL! and just for the record, the biggest dick belongs to a WHITE Canadian of Italian ancestry, but it would be "raiciss" to say the truth LMAO
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Anonymous20: @Revan-: funny, but sadly true.
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Revan-: this is probably the worst comment section on this site

@Anonymous: >interracial GANON ISN'T EVEN BLACK LOL
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Anonymous21: The real meaning of political correctness is not about avoiding offending people's feeling's, but more about "we are all equal, but some people are more equal than others". Saying something bad about non whites or muslims gives you the death penalty, but if you insult white, straight or christian people, you will get praise from everywhere, the more you defame them, the more people praises you. So tell me, is PC about "protecting feeling" (which is bullshit anyway) or about a specific agenda? I'd say the latter.
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Anonymous22: @Revan-: "this is probably the worst comment section on this site, why isn't everyone like me? it would be a better world like that, PC 4 life!"
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Anonymous23: @3d3x: we only see a retarded comment here, and it's yours, you SJW faggot, go back to tumblr crying about the patriarchy and the way it triggers you.
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Revan-: @Anonymous: I didnt say anything like that lol but ill let you live in your fantasy world

keep posting your meme songs, faggot
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Anonymous24: you sure must be some kind of celebrity on tumblr with you "i am holier than everyone" attitude, and besides, triggered much? SJW always react like that when confronted with truth, now tell me what kind of "otherkin" are you, asshole-kin? fucktard-kin? faggot/cocksucker-kin? that "meme song" sure suits self hating SJW beta males like yourself, that's for sure, now you can keep on accusing people of racism, nazism, something-phobia, because you know, that makes you popular! a true hero! don't make me laugh.
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Anonymous25: @Revan-: boo hoo, cry me a river :'(
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Revan-: @Anonymous: that sure is a lot of projection, m8
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Anonymous26: @Revan-: you know he's right, lol
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Anonymous27: @Revan-: "blah blah blah projecting... blah blah blah you are insecure... blah blah blah bigotry..." same old shit.
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Revan-: @Anonymous: not really

but this is some g8 b8

@Anonymous: can say the same to you, m8
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Shake: You know who commissions this? The same guys that hold those 'I need feminism cause I don't want to be called queer for enjoying my girls strap on' signs.

I dont understand who gets a hard on over seeing a guy with a small dick get humiliated. Projection much?
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Anonymous28: @Shake: you can say that again, so true.
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Anonymous29: You know, this kind of stuff would die a lot faster if you guys would stop going full retard whenever it pops up right?

Artists crave attention and bucket loads of angry comments are exactly that. Nothing makes an artist stop doing something faster than that something being ignored. They crave your tears as much as they crave your applause. Stop giving them either and they'll scramble to find something else to get them back.

Stop letting porn upset you like this. You're only making it so they control your emotions when if you'd just downvoted and ignored it it'd already be a dead genre.

Stupid commissions will always be stupid commissions, but you're giving them an added incentive to keep doing this kind of stuff because it keeps getting 30+ comments and a train of butthurt. You're giving them a martyr complex. Stop it, for your own sake.
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Anonymous30: @Anonymous: well, those people complaining aren't going to visit their blog or pay them for commissions, that's for sure, i don't think those SFM artists are going to gain anything by acting like grade school children: "since you complained about it, i am going to do even more of this, haters gonna hate trolololo" like true retards. Also with the "whatever" attitude you are never going to achieve anything as well, while you are being apathetic to everything around you, someone is always ready to take advance of it.
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Anonymous31: who's this Revan faggot? what a douche!
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Anonymous32: @Anonymous: Martyr complexes don't need material rewards so they won't give any fucks if the people complaining won't commission them. You're forgetting that most trolls on the internet do it just because they like inciting reactions, not because they gain anything of worth from it.

It's not apathy to realize when your efforts aren't going to do you any good. They feed off your hate. Simply downvote and move on. They won't get any praise and they won't get any hate. Artists thrive off of both.

You can keep complaining like this all you want, but realize it's often going to have the opposite of the effect you want it to have.
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Revan-: @Anonymous: ;)
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geromy: I hate all of you people god damn. It's just a fetish. Every time.
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Anonymous33: @geromy: I mean, right? if i like it, everyone else should as well! >:(
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Anonymous34: Ya'll realize it's just porn right? If it isn't your thing move on to the next. My god. Why is it no one in society anymore can just pass on things they don't like like we use to do in the old days?

Now everyone has to have a fucking bitch feast about it, and just be asses. If you don't like a song don't listen to it, you don't like a youtuber don't go on their videos, if a video sucks just leave, if a porn isn't to your liking move on.

Quit being a bunch of cunts internet. Grow the fuck up. Go find something to fap to that you like and chill the fuck out. Jesus Christ.
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Anonymous35: @Anonymous: And if you don't like those comments and opinions just move on to the next, see? it works both ways.
Funny how some people think you have the right to talk only to praise and say positive things, guess they don't like democracy, probably they should move to North Korea where they have a similar approach towards freedom of speech.
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Anonymous36: @asdfasdf: "Stop reminding me that i am a cuckold! you... you... you are all racist!!!"
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Anonymous37: @Anonymous: except the shit in the comments is getting spammed on every single post like this one

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Anonymous38: @Anonymous: "Hey guys look! i accused someone on the internet of being racist! :D am i cool right? RIGHT!? please now praise me! accept me! let me feel part of the group! :,("
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Anonymous39: @Anonymous: "hey guys i cant handle being called on my shit so im gonna act like a complete faggot and act like i triumphed over them with my superior intellect!" *tips fedora*
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Anonymous40: you should realize when entering a PORNO site that there will be many different fetishes

there is literally nothing wrong with cuckolding
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Anonymous41: @Anonymous: Tell that to the insecure man children that apparently flood this website.
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Anonymous42: @Anonymous: That's not really true. There's nothing wrong with this instance of cuckolding because it's fictional and exists as porn, but cuckolding, like many fetishes on this site, has lots wrong with it when taken into the real world.

There's no reason to play fetish police when it comes to fictional porn, but to imply there's nothing wrong with that fetish when it's no longer restricted to play time is sort of being both naive and unrealistic.
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Anonymous43: @Anonymous:
"there is literally nothing wrong with cuckolding" and you people have the nerve to call other people insecure? LMAO
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Anonymous44: @Anonymous: Agree, in this PC (totalitarian) day and age nobody ever does wrong, it's always "backwards society's" or "people's bigotry's" fault, SJW never, ever, consider that what they say or do is wrong or fucked up, everything is good, everything is normal, and if some "bigot" (people with common sense) tells them the way it is, they start crying "muh feelings!" "muh social justice!" "muh tolerance!", pathetic.
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Anonymous45: @Anonymous: "...but to imply there's nothing wrong with that fetish when it's no longer restricted to play time is sort of being both naive and unrealistic."
Social Justice "warriors" are delusional by nature, you should know that.
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Anonymous46: Bah!!! I'm white and my dicks is 21 cm, :3 so I don't have any complex :3
Alive Big European White Dycks!!! And stop anti white rascism!!!
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Anonymous47: link isn't even white

he's japanese
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Anonymous48: @Anonymous: Well said! hail Europe!
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Anonymous49: @Anonymous: Yes, a blonde, blue eyed Japanese hahahaha! don't make me laugh! XD
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Anonymous50: @Anonymous: have you stopped and considered for a moment that he might not be european because he is a fictional game character made by japanese people?

@Anonymous: you are on a porn site, what the fuck are you talking about

@Anonymous: post pics you faggot, prove it
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Anonymous51: @Anonymous: "Tell that to the insecure man children that apparently flood this website"
insecure man children translates from SJW language in: Not indoctrinated people with a bit of pride left.
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Anonymous52: @Anonymous: tranlate from epic pol language: "I use buzzwords and repeat the same shit over and over again to pass over the fact I don't even have a point."

"Everyone is an SJW except for me! Read these books that are written by racists but if you call me a "racciiss" you're an SJW cuck! M-muh freedom of speech!"
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Anonymous53: @Anonymous: Japanese fictional character with typical European physical features.
Also, if you pay attention it's clear how the world of Zelda was inspired by European culture, the type of armor, of weapons the castles and so on.
PS: you want to see his cock and HE is the faggot!? LMAO!
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Revan-: @Anonymous: Okay, cool but that doesn't make him European.
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Anonymous54: @Anonymous: Truth hurts huh?
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Anonymous55: Anon, quit fucking talking to yourself. You're not fooling anybody.
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Anonymous56: @Anonymous: Are you mad because people here are exposing cucks such as yourself? Do you think it's so impossible for people to dislike cuckoldry, that you think negative comments are made by one single person?
Then i am sorry but you are delusional, cuckolds gonna cuck! lol
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Anonymous57: ahahahaha all you faggots. it's not like you can do anything about it.

in fact, I'M commissioning more cuck in the future. LOL enjoy faggots.
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Anonymous58: @Anonymous: Grrrr! ahh we are soooo angry! and we can't do anything about it! Grrrr!
Is this what you wanted to hear, right?
what a pathetic excuse for a human being you are... oh wait, is that "trolling" right? that thing that only retarded 12 year old kids still find amusing? pretty sad if you ask me, talk about being a faggot LMAO
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Anonymous59: @Anonymous: I'm not sure how you paying for more of this counts as you winning when all the people bitching here can do it for free.
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Anonymous60: @Anonymous: because Secaz is a fucking beast at animating? Hell, I could fucking animate in SFM, but it would be pure shit.

Paying for more of this counts as winning because I get more of what I want, and it'll piss the masses off. Not like you can stop me either. I win. It's my money. My choice. Your tears.
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Anonymous61: @Anonymous: There's no trolling, faggot. It's called business. I commission, the animator animates it, and you cry about it here. Everything works out and gets what they want, except for you.

Nobody is forcing you to view his cuck work, you know? Fucking inbred. Your logic is fucking retarded.
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Anonymous62: @Anonymous: And yea, you're mad. Definitely fucking mad. You wouldn't be here replying to me otherwise. kthxbai :3
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Anonymous63: @Anonymous: I'm not crying over this, I just find it silly to wave the fact you're paying for it in front of someone like it's a trump card. Paying actual money to produce intangible internet butthurt sounds like a terrible investment.

I'm not trying to tell you how to spend your own money, it's your money after all. I'm just pointing out that "I'm paying for more, I win!" is kind of stupid to bring up when everyone here can get the same kick of bitching about it for free. It doesn't really seem like winning or losing, it's just irrelevant.

Nice persecution complex though. I realize the lot of the commenters around here are generally caustic assholes, but you don't really elevate yourself by acting just like them.
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Anonymous64: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: @Anonymous: You are a sad person indeed, no one here is "crying" about your stupidity you cocksucker, we are just exposing spineless sodomites such as yourself and having a good laugh about it.
Of course nothing will stop you for being a retard faggot, because that's the way you are born, you can't polish a turd, everyone knows that.
but yeah, you can keep being delusional about everyone here giving a fuck about you and your douchebaggery, or even "hating" since apparently this is the first time in your life you had the feeling, only the feeling, that someone gave you some kind of consideration, that's how pathetic you are.
but allow me to tell you the truth, dear moron, no one here or anywhere else gives a fuck about a lowlife such as yourself, because talking about you is like talking about a dog's turd: yes, we can complain that it smells disgusting and how unpleasant it is to look at, but in the end it's just a turd, and no one gives an damn about it.
Have a good day
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Anonymous65: @Anonymous: "I win" lol
you are only demonstrating what no-life you are, spending money for this crap since you never went outside your mom's basement, and judging by your comments you are the only butthurt here.
"i win" you are such a failure LMAO
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Anonymous66: @Anonymous: lol Brilliant
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Anonymous67: @Anonymous: You're obviously very angry about losing. Cry more, bitch.
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Anonymous68: Holy fuck people really got butthurt over this LEL
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atlink: Well, I for one enjoyed this animation. I'm not much into the cuck scene, but the thing that got me hot was the Midna "kissing" Link part. It was a nice, hot kissu~

I chose to ignore the dollop of load she deposited into Link's mouth.

Animated pretty well. Again, not much into the cuck thing, but I still jacked to it.
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Anonymous69: Jesus christ, did we just fall into a basket of fries? There's salt everywhere in here!
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Anonymous70: Anon 64 got so fucking butthurt. He acts like such a tough guy over the internet by throwing random insults around, but in reality would never say that shit. He also acts as if he doesn't care about what the other anon has said, yet dedicates a fucking paragraph to him, hilarious!!!!!
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Anonymous71: Would have been better if Link was on that pole instead...

Or if Ganon had a double-dick and had them both on there... just sayin'
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Anonymous72: Of course the bad guy fucked the princess. That's what kidnapped to marry means.